Chapter Thirty-One: Rain and Romance

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Rain pours from the sky, clouding the world in grey as it soaks the bright green grasses, gravel walkways, and stone halls of the Salisbury Cathedral. Taehyung and Jungkook stand at the entryway of one of those stone paths, their eyes gazing up at the dreary sky as they watch the rain come down in thick heavy sheets. Taehyung nibbles on his bottom lip, worry and concern starting to eat away at him as he thinks about making a run for the car, the drive to London, and showing up soaked for his family to possibly make fun of him once again. Jungkook looks down at Tae, noticing how he bites his lips and his hazel eyes whirl with worry.

"Hey," Jungkook softly says, reaching up and plucking Taehyung's lip from beneath his teeth, the soft action drawing Taehyung's eyes from the sky to Jungkook who smiles fondly down at him, "Don't worry. We have time..." he gently reassures as his eyes wander over Taehyung's gorgeous features from his bright eyes to the mole on the tip of his nose to his slightly swollen lip that he was chewing on.

"The dinner starts around seven or so and it is a two-hour drive to London..." Taehyung mumbles looking down at his phone for the time before looking back towards the rain, "I don't think we can wait this out though...once it starts raining this hard, it won't stop," he adds, his eyes gazing back to the clouds. Jungkook can feel the nerves and worry rolling off of him, and he isn't quite sure how he can help calm the boy's concern. He has every right to worry, but Jungkook doesn't want it to spoil Taehyung's previously wonderful mood. Even if the boy was acting a little bit odd earlier. Jungkook sighs, and pulls Taehyung into a soft embrace, kissing the top of his head as Taehyung lightly leans into his arms.

"I guess there's no helping it..." Jungkook mumbles, and Taehyung looks up at him in confusion, "Last one to the car is a rotten egg," a bright smile crosses Jungkook's lips before he takes off in the rain, leaving a stunned Taehyung motionless under the archway.

"Hey wait, that's not fair!" Taehyung cries, bubbling laughter pouring from his lips as he races out into the rain, the cold water quickly soaking his hair, skin, and clothes, yet he can't stop laughing. Jungkook's childish behavior easily lightened his mood, and Taehyung can't help but love it. He loves how he makes everything fun when Taehyung's anxiety feels so oppressing. Taehyung's sweet laugh slows Jungkook down, hypnotized by the sound and the grin on Taehyung's face as the boy quickly catches up. Jungkook's surprised when Taehyung pounces on his back, wrapping arms and legs around his body like a monkey.

The dark-haired boy just laughs, his hands gripping onto Taehyung's thighs as he quickly carries him to the car, the rain thoroughly soaking both of them, yet he doesn't care. Taehyung rests his chin on Jungkook's shoulder, the sweet giggles still escaping from him and gently teasing Jungkook's ear. He finally gets the car door open and turns with a smile on his lips.

"Off, little monkey," Jungkook chimes and Taehyung hops off, sliding into the driver's seat as Jungkook runs around to the other side and climbs in. The two sit for a moment in silence, the only sound the pounding of the rain and their panting breaths. Taehyung looks at Jungkook's drenched and disheveled features, his eyes coasting from his long disorderly locks to the raindrops running down his sharp jaw to the way his somewhat transparent shirt clings tightly to his flesh. It has Taehyung's mind wandering, his thoughts turning more lustful. And Jungkook can tell. The innocence in Taehyung's warm hazel eyes melts into something more, something far more passionate and wanting which just has the dark-haired male smirking.

"See something you like, love?" Jungkook teasingly asks, enjoying the bright blush on Taehyung's cheeks, "Because I sure as hell do," he adds, his voice dipping slightly as he too stares at Taehyung's soaked form. Water drips from his hair to his exposed collarbones, creating little paths that have Jungkook desperately wanting to run his tongue over. Taehyung can't speak, his mind lost in the haze of desire that rushes over him at Jungkook's words. His flirting and teasing never make Taehyung uncomfortable or overwhelmed, and Jungkook knows his kisses are always accepted. 

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