Chapter Twelve: The Perfect Gentleman

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*Just so you know, I love you guys so much! Your comments, messages, and votes have gotten me through a really hard spell at work. In return, have a really long chapter! I hope you enjoy!*


Sunlight trickles into the dark bedroom, slipping through sheer curtains with a powerful determination to wake the inside occupants. A piercing ray falls upon a boy with honey blond hair, his eyes closed and soft lips parted as small snores escape his lean form. He's wrapped in the grip of another man, his dark hair falling over shut eyes and messily dancing on the pillow case. That is the sight Taehyung wakes to: Jungkook's chaotic hair covering his face and fanning wildly around him. He smiles softly, rubbing sleepy eyes with a closed fist before stretching like a cat in the sun. Jungkook groans and pulls Taehyung closer, burying his face in Taehyung's neck which has the smaller boy gasping.

"Five more minutes..."

"But I have to shower, Jungkook..." Taehyung mumbles, rubbing at his eyes again, "I smell bad, c'mon," Taehyung blushes when he feels Jungkook's breath tickling his neck, a small grin appearing on the dark-haired boy's lips.

" actually smell quite good, Tae..." he murmurs, pecking the soft flesh at the crevice of Tae's neck and collarbone. Taehyung blushes brightly, wiggling with embarrassment in Jungkook's embrace.

"Don't be silly! I haven't showered in like two days. Let gooooo," he whines, shoving against Jungkook's biceps. Those really sturdy biceps that kept him safe and protected all night long. That held him close when he cried over Daniel's arrival back in his life. These strong arms and Jungkook's strong heart did so much to keep Taehyung safe yesterday when he had to deal with his family's bullshit. Without thinking, Taehyung kisses the top of Jungkook's head, startling the man out of his sleep right away.


"Thank you...for yesterday," Taehyung whispers, his cheeks that beautiful dewy blush that Jungkook adores, "I don't think I would've made it through that without you,"

"You're stronger than you think, lovie...but I'm glad I can be here for you..." Jungkook murmurs, kissing Taehyung's forehead which has the smaller boy squealing lightly. He covers his blushing face before Jungkook can see just how truly embarrassed he can get.

"Okay, now I really do need to shower if we're going to be on time for breakfast," Tae quickly says and Jungkook laughs lightly.

"We could save some time if we shower together," Jungkook coos. The dark, intense, stare in his eyes has Taehyung frozen in Jungkook's grip as a blush creeps all over his face and even to the tips of his ears. The thought of showering with Jungkook, and seeing that glorious figure naked, has his heart racing and many lewd images crossing his mind.

"You...wait...what?" Taehyung squeaks, not able to get anything else out of his malfunctioning mind. Jungkook just chuckles, running a hand over Taehyung's cheek to calm him down.

"I was just kidding. I won't do that with you yet," Jungkook's deep voice only succeeds in riling Taehyung's lust even more. Especially when he says things like yet. Jungkook releases Taehyung and the boy quickly slips out of the bed, body trembling, yet with anxiety, fear, or anticipation he isn't sure. Some perverse part of him wants to desperately see Jungkook naked—to see hot water running all over his strong biceps and chiseled abs. To keep himself from acting on those thoughts, he hurries into the bathroom, shutting the door and pressing his forehead against the cold wood. These thoughts are bad. Taehyung has other things he needs to be focusing on besides Jungkook's chiseled physique. Like his family. Today, he's probably going to have a run in with his sister and mother. He is at least well rested, but after Daniel's behavior yesterday he isn't sure what to expect from this. Is his family going to be supportive or homophobic once again? Will he have to pretend to be someone he's not, or will he be able to be himself for once in his life?  He thinks about all of this as he climbs into the shower, hot water scolding the sleep out of his body.

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