Chapter Twenty-Eight: His Muse

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Taehyung and Jungkook make it through three more Harry Potter movies before Taehyung falls asleep again. At that point, the sun has started rising outside of their window, painting the sky a navy blue, dark grey, then baby blue. Jungkook lays with Taehyung curled beside him, watching the sky's transition and listening to the birds chirp happily as they begin their morning hunts. Jungkook should sleep. He knows he should, yet he can't help but stare at Taehyung instead, watching how the boy quirks his nose in his sleep, lips curled in a gentle pout, and hands clenching to the fabric of Jungkook's shirt. Jungkook wraps an arm around Taehyung's waist as the small boy rolls and rests his head against Jungkook's chest, nuzzling against it as he falls into a deeper sleep. Jungkook takes a deep breath, fighting his thoughts, emotions, and insecurities as he stares down at Taehyung, his heart fluttering gently in his chest.

I'm so fucking screwed...I love him...Jungkook thinks, his lips curled in a fond smile as he stares at Taehyung's long eyelashes and soft sloping nose, the little moles detailing his nose, lips, and eyes. Taehyung is so much more than a pretty face to him. He's sweet and kind, and stronger than any person Jungkook has ever met. Put against such difficult odds, Taehyung has come out thriving. He finds that inspiring. Jungkook fights the urge to lean down and kiss Taehyung again, not wanting to wake the boy from his comfortable slumber. Jungkook knows the blond needs his rest. This trip has been stressing him out, and Jungkook wants to make sure Taehyung can get as much uninterrupted sleep as possible.

This is why Jungkook reacts so intensely to his phone ringing from beneath the DVD player on the floor. He hooks his phone with his foot, pushing it up towards his hand and instantly hits the ignore button, not even looking at the Caller ID until the person decides to call him again, the loud ring echoing around the pillow fort and Taehyung lets out a soft whimper in his sleep. Jungkook looks at the ID and curses under his breath, knowing he can't ignore this call again.

"Hey, Yoongi-hyung..." Jungkook says in a hushed whisper, his deep voice barely audible this early in the morning.

"Hey, sorry Jungkook, did I wake you up?" Yoongi asks, his voice somewhat distracted on the other line.

"Surprisingly, no though it is...5:39 here...why did you call?" Jungkook says, running a hand through his hair as he glances down at Taehyung who just comfortably curls against Jungkook's side even more, his bare legs draping over Jungkook's sweat-clad legs, the shorts he wears leaving very little to the imagination.

"Oh, it's around 2 here. I was just calling to see when you're going to start taking clients again. The service is getting a lot of complaints with you being idle for the week..." Yoongi mumbles, the sound of him shuffling papers on the other end has Jungkook sighing. They should not be having this conversation so early in the morning and with Yoongi so distracted.

"Look, hyung, I appreciate the call and all, but I don't think I really want to go back..." Jungkook mumbles, his hand idly caressing Taehyung's back, roaming down his shoulders to his waist and back up again. Jungkook hears Yoongi's sorting stop, all background noises halting before he grabs his phone and takes it off speaker.

"Wait, Kook, are you serious?" Yoongi asks, and Jungkook nods.

"Yes. Very," he replies, his eyes glued to the blond boy draped across his waist right now.

"Is this because of Tae?" Yoongi questions, leaning back in his desk chair with a sigh, "Look, Kook, I know he's cute and all--"

"It's more than just Tae. I'm tired of that lifestyle, and with Tae...I'm serious about him, hyung...I know it's been a short amount of time, but he's...shit he's awesome," Jungkook mumbles, drowsiness making his words somewhat slurred, but Yoongi can hear him perfectly clear.

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