Chapter Fifteen: Adorable

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*Just so y'all know, I'm editing this while baking scones, so if you see any mistakes...I blame the flour. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!*


"You're crazy,"

"No, I'm not!"

"Taehyung, get down from there!"

Jungkook stands at the base of a tree, arms crossed worriedly over his chest, as he stares up. At Taehyung. Climbing a fucking tree. He watches the blond boy place his feet tentatively on a knob before grabbing the branch above him and pulling himself ever higher with a gleeful giggle. Jungkook has bittersweet feelings about this. He's happy Taehyung is having fun—and honestly that childish giggle tugs at his heartstrings—but it's dangerous, and what if he hurts himself? Jungkook would never forgive himself if Taehyung falls and gets injured now.

"Please...please be careful," Jungkook says, concern buried inside his deep voice. Taehyung sighs and swings his legs onto a branch. He straddles the large tree branch, staring down at Jungkook with a bright boxy smile on his lips.

"You're such a worry wart! Trust me I'm fine!" Taehyung cries, his feet dangling beneath him blissfully. Jungkook can't help but laugh, shaking his head with a sigh on his lips.

"When you smile like that, it's hard for me to remember you're actually an adult," Jungkook teases.

"Hey! I don't look like a kid!" Taehyung shouts and Jungkook laughs louder.

"Tae, you're in a fucking tree. Of course you look like a kid!" Jungkook retorts.

"Well, why don't you join me, Mr. Muscle Man? You were a jock after all. A little tree climbing shouldn't be that bad for you," Taehyung teases, sticking his tongue out childishly at Jungkook.

"Oh, Mr. Muscle Man, huh? Have you been checking me out, Taehyung?" Jungkook purrs, the tone in his voice soothing and flirtatious, and not something Taehyung is expecting right now.

" up and climb this tree!" Taehyung stammers, glad that the shadow from the tree is cast over his heated cheeks. He doesn't need Jungkook to know that his words can easily fluster him.

"As you wish," Jungkook chimes, rolling the sleeves on his shirt so that they are above his forearms. He needs it for mobility, yet the sight has Taehyung drooling. Muscles really shouldn't be allowed on a man that attractive. Let alone on one who starts to climb a tree as if it is second nature. He gets to the branch beside Taehyung in seconds, lifting himself on in a way that has his arm muscles bulging beneath the tight red shirt.

"Holy shit..." Taehyung whispers, his face crimson red as he stares at Jungkook. The raven-haired boy just laughs, scooting closer to Taehyung with a grin on his lips.

"Like the show?" Jungkook teases, and Taehyung instantly punches his shoulder. Not like it actually hurt. Jungkook really does have the physique of a Greek god. Taehyung just can't voice the fact that he did indeed like watching him climb.

"You...that was impressive. That's all," Taehyung finally mumbles when he realizes Jungkook isn't going to let him not answer.

"Well thank you. Your little scramble up was pretty cute too," Jungkook retorts and Taehyung gasps, hitting him again.

"Hey! Don't mock me! Not all of us are muscle pigs like you..." Taehyung pouts before Jungkook chuckles.

"That's okay, Taehyung. I was being honest. You're really cute," Jungkook says, his voice flustering Taehyung even more.

"Well...thank you..." Taehyung whispers while gazing at Jungkook. He fights the sudden urge to lean over and kiss the man. He might not want it. Does Jungkook even like him? He calls him cute, but that's just physical...right? He bites his bottom lip as he looks away from the confusing dark-haired man. He doesn't know what Jungkook is thinking or feeling. He just knows that he wants to spend as much time with him as possible.

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