Chapter Thirty-Five: The Wedding

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I woke up early to do homework...yeah...this is definitely not homework...oh well! Onto the story!


Sunlight streaks through the windows, the early morning light pouring into the hotel room, highlighting crimson crumpled sheets, tan skin, and a fluffy mop of blond hair spread haphazardly over a pillow. One beam of light strikes Taehyung in the face, earning a reluctant groan from the boy as he turns his head, burying his face into the pillow. He stretches beneath the sheets, his body aching pleasantly as memories from the night before flash through his mind. He instantly opens his eyes, looking to the left where Jungkook slept. Though he is no longer there. Taehyung fights the sadness at seeing the empty sheets, smothering those bitter insecure feelings that normally accompany being abandoned. He knows there is probably a perfectly acceptable reason that he woke up alone without Jungkook curled up beside him. Maybe he's in the bathroom or his phone rang? There has to be a reason, yet he hates the prickly feeling of rejection in his veins.

"This is's not like he'd leave me here..." Taehyung reassures himself, mumbling under his breath as he sits up and stretches again, yawning while rubbing his eyes, trying to rid himself of the sleep and insecurity that consumes him.

He startles slightly when the hotel door clicks open, exposing Jungkook with a tray in his hands and a small smile on his lips. He wears a simple white shirt and sweats, humming as he shuts the door with his foot, yet when he looks over to the bed he instantly freezes, his eyes wide as they consume the gorgeous sight in front of him. Sunlight gleams off Taehyung's bare chest as the blond boy looks at him with wide hazel eyes and his blond hair in disarray. He smiles sleepily up at Jungkook, the boxy grin jumpstarting Jungkook's heart once again and the raven-haired boy sets the tray on the table before crossing the room and sitting beside Taehyung, barely able to pull his eyes away from the blond boy.

"Fuck you're beautiful..." Jungkook mumbles, his compliment causing Taehyung to blush brightly and laugh, the raspy giggle bringing a smile to Jungkook's lips.

"I just woke up, dummy," Taehyung retorts, smacking Jungkook's shoulder softly and the boy smirks.

"Indeed. Your beauty is effortless," he coos, loving the shy way Taehyung buries his face against Junkook's shoulder to hide from his cheesy words.

"It's too early for this..." Taehyung grumbles into Jungkook's shirt, making Jungkook laugh as he wraps an arm around Taehyung's waist, pulling the blond boy into a warm embrace.

"Come now, love, it's only...8:45..." Jungkook says while looking at the bright neon numbers of the alarm clock. Jungkook's hands caress down Taehyung's bare back as the boy cuddles closer.

"Yep. Too early for flirting," he says with a blush on his cheeks. Jungkook chuckles and kisses the top of Taehyung's head, enjoying the comfortable silence that consumes the room as he circles his fingers delicately around Taehyung's waist. Taehyung doesn't move from his cozy place pressed up against Jungkook's side, and the raven-haired thinks Taehyung fell asleep until he sits up and plants a light kiss on Jungkook's cheek.

"The wedding starts around noon...since I'm not part of the wedding party we don't need to get there early or anything..." Taehyung murmurs, pulling his naked body away from Jungkook's side, the blankets bunching around his waist as he flashes the dark-haired man a blissful smile.

"Great, so we have plenty of time to eat and shower beforehand," Jungkook suggests, and Taehyung nods, his fluffy blond hair falling haphazardly in his face, "Shall we save time and shower together?" Jungkook teasingly asks his tone tempting and sensual which causes Taehyung's heart to leap in his chest, the beat stuttering from such words.

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