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March 22

The door started to open and I immediately started to act like I am asleep. August has been trying to get me to talk about the the discussion Violet and I had with my mom, but I am having trouble comprehending what she said. This weekend definitely did not turn out how it was supposed to. "You know what since you are not ready to talk, Kyron and I will go over to my moms and pick up the kids." August spoke.

I know he's frustrated with me. I said I would not hide anything anymore but here I am still doing that. "August, I'm sorry." I apologized. He sat on the bed. I sat up. "Babe, are you ready to talk?" He asked. I nodded. I took a deep breath.

"My mom has..." Something is building up in my throat and it hurts. "You are crying." August said. "I am... not." I denied. "Babe, you are. What's going on?" He wondered. "Lung cancer. My mom has lung cancer." I told him.

"Let's think of the positive here. She can get treatment and she'll be ok." He consoled me. I sighed. If it was only that easy. "She won't." I said. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "She doesn't want any type of treatment. She says it's her time to go and we should respect her decision." I answered.

"You don't want to listen." He observed. "Yes." I said. I know that my mom and I will not be able to go back to exactly how we were with each other, but I hoped we can at least try to be partially there. That can't happen if she won't get treatment. "Cancer has stages right?" August asked. "Yes, but she will not tell us what stage she is in." I said.

Violet pressured her to tell us while I said nothing; still in shock. I just want her to be healthy so that she can be there through all the accomplishments we have in life. She could see my kids grow up and all. "I think it's time she sees the kids." August mentioned. "I know." I agreed.

I decided to follow Kyron and August to go get the kids. The kids like Kyron. I don't really know him enough to have a strong opinion, but he seems cool. After spending time at his mom's, we came back with four police cars in the driveway. "What's going on?" I asked. August parked the car on the side of the road. "Kyron and I will go see what they want. You stay in the car with the kids." He instructed.

"August." I said. "Stay here." He demanded. I obliged. Kyron and him got out of the car and headed to the driveway. "Mommy." Aaron said. "Yes AA." I answered. "Where's daddy?" He asked. I sighed. "He'll be back." I told him. I looked out of the window and August was getting arrested. My phone started ringing.

It was Kaylee. "Lonte just got arrested and my water just broke." Kaylee said crying. "Are you having contractions?" I asked. "Yes." She screamed. "I'll call the ambulance right now and then I'll meet you at the hospital." I told her. I immediately ended the call and dialed 911. I gave them the address of Kaylee's house. The police cars finally left the driveway. I got out of the back seat and went to the drivers seat. The key was still in the ignition, so I parked the car in the driveway.

Kyron isn't outside. I got the kids out of the car and headed into the house. "Kyron." I yelled. He came downstairs with some papers. "Why did August get arrested?" I asked. "It's cause of what went down in New York. I'm going to the police station." He said. I still don't know what happened in New York. Lonte and him won't talk about it all I know is they got out ok.

"Ok. Kaylee is having her baby and Lonte got arrested too. I have to be by her side." I mentioned. He nodded. I gave him August's keys and then he left. I went upstairs and grabbed my bag which had my keys in it and then I took the kids to my place knowing that one out of three of them had to be home.

Saraphine was home. "I was just about to step out." She said. "Please watch them. August just got arrested and his sister is having her baby while her husband is arrested too. I really need to be with her." I explained. "Fine." She agreed. "Thank you." I said. I told the kids goodbye.

It took me an hour to get to the hospital where Kaylee is at. "Hi. How can I help you?" The front desk lady asked. "I'm here for Kaylee Alsina. She's having her baby." I said. She typed on her computer. "She's on floor three which is the maternity wing." She informed me. I nodded. I got a visitor's pass and headed towards where I'm going.

She was laying on the hospital bed with closed eyes while screaming. "Kaylee, I'm here." I announced my presence. 

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