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October 21

I just got off my lunch break and the supervisor called me to her office. I work at a Senior Care Center and there are always some white old ladies that hate me and complain about me because I'm black. They always come up with fake excuses. I approached the manager's office and I knocked on the door.

I opened the door when she said I could come in. "You can sit." She smiled. She is at her desk and I sat down across from her. She's a Hispanic in her early thirties. "I know you're wondering why you're here." She started. Isn't anyone that is called to their supervisor or managers office? "Yes." I agreed.

"You have been doing so good here even when there's patients that don't get along with you but you still try your best to get along with them. When you can't get along with them you always tell someone to help you handle the situation. I wanted to tell you to keep up the good work and to see if there's anything I can help you with." She complimented me.

I smiled. "Thank you so much. There's nothing I can think of that I'll need help with. I'll let you know if there's anything." I told her. I've only worked here for four weeks. The staff is nice and the pay is good. I got out of the chair and left her office.

On my way to get my supplies to do my rounds, I saw Terrel getting out of a patient's room. I didn't want him to notice me so I picked up my pace. "Bernice." He called after me. I stopped and turned around. He caught up to me. "Yes." I said. I looked around to make sure no one was around us.

"Hi." He scratched his head. "Hi." I said awkwardly. "Did you think about what I said?" He asked. I have to reject him but I don't want to do it here. "I don't think we should talk about it here. I'll catch you later." I said. "Ok." He said. I did my rounds which took up the rest of my shift. When it was time to go I clocked out.

I saw Terrel leaning against a car on his phone. "Hey." I greeted. "Hi." He put away his phone and gave me his attention. "I gotta be real with you, I'm still in love with my ex." I said. "You could've just said that when I asked you out." He stood up straight. "I know and I'm sorry. I should've realized it sooner but I didn't." I said. He nodded and muttered something under his breath but I didn't pay it no mind. 

I went to my car and started looking at my phone before starting the car. I just got a text from August saying CODE RED. I tried to call him but the phone got switched off. What does this mean? Jaquan must know what it means.

I called Violet. "Hey sis. What's up?" She asked. "Hey. Can you please send me Jaquan's number? I need it urgently." I said. "Ok. Is there anything going on?" She wondered. "We'll talk when I get home." I said. I dropped the call. I got a notification and it's the number she sent.

I copied the number and dialed it.  Surprisingly, Jaquan picked up right away. "Who's this?" He questioned. "Hey. It's Bernice." I said. "What's up?" He said. "I need to know where August is." I demanded. He stayed silent for a while. "He went out to get something." Jaquan said. I noticed his voice was shaky.

"Then what the hell does code red mean?" I asked. "What are you talking about?" Jaquan wondered. I sighed. I explained it to him. "Shit." He muttered. "Tell me where he is." I asked. Jaquan stayed silent again. "Are you going to talk or what?" I wasn't going to be patient with him since it seems like he doesn't even know where August is.

"We have codes when we are in trouble and need help. Code red means captured. I haven't seen him for three days. He went out alone to meet with Kingpin and I know that they are the ones holding him. I'm working on it with someone." He said. August is captured. What? I don't even know what to do. "I'll call you back." I said and ended the call.

I hope they haven't done anything to him even though I know now they probably did. What is he doing there anyways? All I knew was that he sold drugs. It looks like he kills people too. Maybe this Kingpin threatened him and he decided to go after him.

I rushed home. I need time to think and see what I can do. "Mommy." Ash and Aaron came running up to me. "Hi A and A." I hugged them. "Mommy you are crying." He noticed. "I'm ok. Where's Aunty V?" I asked. I put my bag on the couch and sat down. Aaron pointed to the bathroom.

They went back to watching their show on the tv. I closed my eyes and imagined how it would be if I hadn't left for the United Kingdom. August and I would probably still be together and this would not be happening. I feel like this is my fault. If I didn't leave, Ashley would have never been taken away from me and August wouldn't have been in this mess.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Violet standing in front of me. "Are you ok?" She asked. "I think I just need to sleep. Can you watch the kids for me while I sleep?" I got up and grabbed my bag. Violet moved aside. I just need to stop thinking. "Yeah whatever you want." She said. "Thanks." I said quietly. I went to my room and changed, then I got into my bed.

There was a knock on my door which woke me up. I got out of bed and unlocked the door. I let her come into the room. She sat on the bed. I sat next to her. "Where are the kids?" I asked. "They're sleeping in my bed." She informed me.

She looked at me and asked what was really going on. I told her everything. "Damn, this is bad. You must have been crying." Violet said. "I was." I said. "So what are you going to do now?" She wondered. "I don't know what to do but I know I have to talk to his sister and his mom." I expressed.

"Everything's going to be alright." She assured me. "I hope so." I hoped. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and decided to call Kaylee and her mom. Violet left my room. I want to meet them at the same time so I don't have to explain the situation again. It's better to tell them in person anyways. Kaylee and her mom haven't spoken since she got kicked out. I have to trick them to be there at the same time without knowing the other person will be there.

I set up all of us to have a meeting tomorrow in the afternoon. I don't work tomorrow so I have all day to figure something out. I left my room and since I didn't feel like cooking. I ordered chinese food for everyone. Trina does most of the cooking since she's still jobless. I found an agent for her and gave the information for her to check it out. They are in the process of signing her.

Trina walked into the town home. "Hi." She smiled. "Hi. Where are you coming from?" I asked. Trina doesn't even have a car but she uses Violet's. Trina is starting to turn over a new leaf. She still goes out but she doesn't stay all night and she has cut down the amount of people she hangs out with.

"I had a meeting with the agency." She smiled. "Looks like it went well." I noticed. She put her bag on the island with Violet's keys. "It did. I signed the contract and they gave me two hundred dollars up front." She gushed. "I'm so happy for you." I said.

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