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Translations will be in bold. Trina in mm.
April 20

I am making rice and stew. "Hi Bernice." I turned around. "Hey Trina. How'd you get in? I know that door is locked." I said.

"Violet gave me a key for emergencies." She mentioned. I nodded.

"You're name has been jumping from one mouth to another in the streets." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Word is Lonte wants to use you to get to August." She informed me. This must be what August meant when he said that I am in danger.

"Qui diable est Lonte?" I questioned. My father's side of the family are from Congo so they speak a lot of French there.

Who the hell is Lonte?

"Il est l'ennemi d'August." She said. I should have known that. I need to talk to him about who he knows got me on their list. I have nothing to do with whatever he did.

He is August's enemy.

Out of all the people I could have children with it had to be August. "Que fais-je?" I asked.

What do I do?

"You could leave the country but it'll be easy for his enemies to catch you. They can't get into Africa without a visa so I suggest you go back to Congo and stay there until things calm down." She suggested.

"I just can't leave Aaron." I said. "You should talk to August about it." She said. "I will."

When the food was done Violet came home. Trina is 22. She loves to party. She'll party all day and night. She doesn't care about college so I don't know how she's going to live in the future when I stop lending money to her.

Violet cares so much about her job. She's a nurse. She loves taking care of people.

I plan to go back to college so I can be an IT. I have hope that everything will work well.


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