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January 6th

I went to Jaquan's fridge and got a beer. "I don't understand women." Jaquan stated. "Neither do I. One moment they're good, the next there's something wrong." I said. Bernice and I got into a big argument. She has barely talked to me and I don't know why. I asked her what did I do wrong and she's claiming that I didn't do anything wrong. I'm sure it has something to do with what she's been hiding.

"I want to break up with Violet." Jaquan scratched his head. What I know about Violet is that she's nice. I wouldn't have ever thought that Jaquan would see a reason to break up with her. "Why?" I asked. Jaquan has that look of regret. He's regretting something badly. "I regret getting involved with her." He told me. "Who are you talking about?" I asked.  "Violet. I saw Raina at a gas station and we've been talking more than before. Violet saw some messages on my phone and accused me of cheating. I have never cheated on her." He told me.

Violet is definitely going to think something's going on. It's a nature that women have. Jaquan should've communicated with her about his friend Raina before she saw those messages. "Do you still have feelings for her?" I asked. "Why the hell are you asking me that? I haven't seen her since she left for college. Those feelings are long gone." He mentioned. Raina and Jaquan were really close. They were always together. Jaquan had things that he could tell her that he couldn't tell anybody.

"Did you explain that to Violet?" I asked. "I did but she just doesn't understand. We've been fighting a lot because of it. She wants me to stop talking to Raina and I can't do that. She has done way too much for me." He said. I sighed. "I think you should. You need to leave Raina in your past. Were you two even talking after she left?" I asked. "We were but we lost communication about four months ago. I just can't stop talking to her. She means a lot to me." He told me.

"What does Violet mean to you?" I asked. I took a sip of my beer. "She means something to me but we haven't even been together for a year and neither of us has said the word love." He pointed out. "I think that you have always been in love with Raina or you wouldn't be so quick to end things with Violet." I reflected. I don't think he'll ever love Violet like he does Raina, if he's ready to end his relationship rather than end the communication between him and Raina.


"What do you think about this color?" Saraphine showed me a turquoise nail polish. "I think it will look good on you." I complimented. They had so many colors. I couldn't pick what color to use. "Sis, I think you should go with the red one." She pointed to it. I picked it up. "It'll really pop out the dark times you're having." She told me. I'm confused because I don't know what she means.

We went to the counter and two workers came to us and took us to the station where they will do our nails. I don't usually paint my nails but Saraphine said it's something we should do. "While I was cleaning your room yesterday I saw a big envelope. I read it. I'm so happy for you." Saraphine looked at me and smiled. I don't know why she was going through my stuff. I can't be mad at her because she has done so much for me since she started living with me.

"No one knows. This has to stay between us." I said. "You don't seem to be happy about it?" She asked. "I wanted to tell August that last time we spoke but I couldn't. I am going to but I'm scared of what August will say. I don't want to lose him. I know he's going to think that I'm just leaving him again which I'm not." I acknowledged. "You have to tell him before it's too late." She stated.

"I will." I assured myself. I have to. "Why haven't you told my sister or yours?" She wondered. "I wanted August to be the first to know. After I tell him I'll tell our sisters." I answered. She nodded. I just need to apologize to August first.

"What's up with you?" I asked. "My ex Anthony wants me back but I'm not sure I want to give him another chance." She told me. "What happened between you two?" I questioned. "He just stayed focused on his sport. I was a distraction to him. He dumped me because of that. I was heartbroken but I later realized that it was for the best. He needed to focus and I wasn't helping him do that. Now, he's ready for us to be together." She informed me.

"I think you should talk to him. Maybe you'll not be a distraction for him or he'll stop seeing you as one." I suggested. "I was hurt badly. I ended up in the hospital because of him. I just don't want him to hurt me again." She told me. "Hear him out and if he's serious give him another chance. He's your first love, right?" I advised. "He is and also the only one I love." She mentioned. "Do what I advised you to do and it might just be your fate." I said. After the nails were done, we dried them and went shopping in the mall we are in.

Trina put the kids to bed before we got home. "Trina, did you see Violet today?" I asked. "I haven't." She said. "Wasn't she supposed to be off a while ago?" Saraphine questioned. "She was." I said. This wasn't like her. She usually lets someone know when she's not coming home straight from work. I picked up my phone to call her. Violet walked in the house and slammed the door. She had tears coming down her eyes. Saraphine rushed to her and asked her what's wrong.

"Jaquan broke up with me." She said. She sat on the couch and we all sat near her. "Why would he do that?" I asked. "He's in love with someone else just when I was starting to fall in love with him." She stated. "Did he cheat?" Trina asked. She shook her head. "At least he told you before you guys would have continued with the relationship and it would be one sided." Trina mentioned. She was making a good point. Violet had her hopes up which she shouldn't have.

"Who's the girl?" I asked. "His best friend Raina who just came back a couple of weeks ago." She wiped her eyes. "Did you ask about his past? This could've been avoided if you did." Saraphine mentioned. "I didn't. We never talked about any of our past." She mentioned. I'm just glad that this happened now. It'll be easier for her to move on. "You're going to be ok. Jaquan isn't the one for you. There are many other men out there. You'll find someone that's way better than him." I comforted her.

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