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October 15

I switched off my phone immediately Jaquan and I got off of the plane. I know everyone's going to be worried about me and they will blow up my phone but I don't want to tell them what we are doing and where I am. If I told Bernice at all she would try to stop me. I'm doing this for my safety and the kids.

"Did Kyron say anything?" I asked. Jaquan pulled out his phone to look at it. "No but I'm going to call him." Jaquan dialed up Kyron's number. Kyron knows what happens in the streets here in Brooklyn without actually being on the streets. He has connections that can really help us. He is educated more than anyone I know.

"He said he'll be here in five minutes." Jaquan notified me. "Ok." I said. We continued waiting for more than five minutes. "Ok, we're coming." Jaquan said over the phone. When we stepped outside it was windy. "Wassup dawgs?" Kyron greeted. "Damn. New York is cold." Jaquan noticed. "What did you think? This place ain't Georgia." Kyron said. "It's his first time being here." I told Kyron. We put our things in his trunk.

It took about thirty five minutes to get to my apartment. There was a lot of traffic. "Thanks for the ride." I said. "I'm going to hit y'all up later." Kyron said. "Aight." I said. I led Jaquan up to my apartment and we got settled in.

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up from my nap. "Wassup?" I said after I answered the call. "I got some new information for y'all." Kyron said. I sat up on the bed. "What is it?" I asked. "Kingpin has about four bodyguards with him now. He has to know that you're here because he has never gone anywhere with a bodyguard before." Kyron told me. I scratched my head. He must got all eyes around this city, it's gonna be hard to catch him.

"Aight. I'm gonna tell Jaquan and we'll figure something out." I said. "Aight." He ended the call. I got up from the bed and changed my clothes into a hoodie and sweatpants. I put a chain and my white air forces on. I went to one of the drawers and got my car keys. I left my room and went to Jaquan's room. I knocked on the door three times and Jaquan opened it.

"Do you need anything?" Jaquan said. "No. I want to get something to eat. Are you coming?" I wondered. "Just give me a second." He said. I went to the kitchen to get a water bottle from the fridge that I bought on the way here. "I'm good to go." Jaquan said. We left the apartment and got into my jeep.

"You have a car here too?" Jaquan asked. "Yes. I don't like using Uber and staying in hotels because I come here frequently." I answered. I started the car and backed out. "Where are we going?" Jaquan asked. "A place downtown that has the best food." I stated.

I stopped at the stoplight. "Kingpin knows we're here and he's got bodyguards protecting him." I informed Jaquan. He must be weak to go against me. "That's tough." Jaquan said. "I don't even know what we are about to do." I said.

After the restaurant Jaquan and I got into the car. While driving, I noticed a black camry following us. "There's a car following us." I told Jaquan. I sped up while Jaquan turned his head to look at the car. I have two guns here that I may need to use. I took a left turn and then an illegal u turn. The car went to the next lane and started shooting at us in broad daylight. I can not see who it was because they have a mask on. "Give me my gun." I told Jaquan. Jaquan opened the glove box and handed it to me.

I put down my window and started shooting at the car. "Who the heck are you?" I shouted. "This is a warning from Kingpin." The guy said before he zoomed off. "Whatever we gotta do we gotta act fast." Jaquan said. "All I know is he ain't getting us." I said.

We got to the apartment and there was a note beneath the door. I picked it up. I looked around to see if anyone was there. No one. I shut my door and opened the note. "Meet Kingpin at four square, eight pm tomorrow. Come alone." I read. "I don't think he's going to do anything. He probably just wants to give you a warning." Jaquan mentioned. "Maybe." I said.

I went to the living room and turned on the tv. I know when I get back I'm never going to hear the end of me up and leaving like that. I miss my kids but I'm doing this for them. If something happened to Bernice because of me I would never forgive myself. My kids need their mother and I need her too.

"Are we just going to stay here for the rest of the day?" Jaquan said when he came into the living room. "Yes. What are we supposed to do?" I turned my head to look at him. "I'm going for a walk." Jaquan said. He don't even know what this neighborhood is like. A lot of whites live around here. "Boy sit your ass down. This ain't no safe neighborhood for you to go on a walk." I said.

I turned my head back to the tv. "I'm gonna be back." Jaquan turned around and left. "Take my keys with you. If you go missing I ain't looking for you." I yelled. I heard the door close. Jaquan is very stubborn. He doesn't change his mind for nothing.
"I thought we agreed we won't talk to anybody" I told Jaquan. Jaquan picked up Violet's call while he went on a walk. I should've known he'll do that. Jaquan scratched his head. "I know. I just don't want her to worry about me." He mentioned.

I would tell him to switch off his phone but then Violet will be worried about him more and it might cause her a lot of stress. "I didn't tell her where we are. She said your kids are good but Bernice doesn't care anymore about what you do cause you switched off your phone." Jaquan said.

I left twice without her knowing because of her and she left because of me for years but I know I was and am going to come back and she wasn't going to. I bet if I told her why I left this time she'll care. I know that I've done some stuff which means she's probably over my bullshit right now.

"I should just let Kingpin trap her and not give a fuck." I snapped. I turned off the tv. Jaquan is staring at me. "Bro calm down. It hasn't reached that level." Jaquan said. "Yes it has. She took Aaron away and kept Ashley a secret without thinking about me." I acknowledged. Jaquan sighed. "You did some things too without you thinking about her. I think the big problem here is that you are here about to do something for her that she doesn't know about. She doesn't care because you ain't tell her." Jaquan mentioned.

I got up and went to my room. I have a lot to think about whether I should talk to her or let her be. I lay on the bed while a lot of thoughts are running through my mind.

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