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December 4

I left my room and went downstairs. Saraphine's in the kitchen making breakfast. "Good morning, Saraphine." I greeted. She turned around and said it back. I looked at the pan and saw that she is making eggs. I got some yogurt from the fridge.

"Bernice, I am thinking of staying here in Georgia permanently. I only went there because of an ex. Since we broke up, I've decided that I needed a fresh start." Saraphine informed me. Saraphine and her ex were high school sweethearts and they were together through four years of college. I don't actually know the reason they broke up. "You can stay as long as you want." I smiled.

Sarphine's phone started ringing. I ate more yogurt. "Stop calling me." Saraphine said over the phone. I don't want to be in her business so I didn't ask who she was talking to. When I finished my yogurt, I threw the container in the trash and washed the spoon.

I went and took my shower before I woke the kids up and gave them theirs. My phone started ringing while I was dressing them. I answered August's call and put it on speaker.

"Hey bae." I said. "Hey bae." He mimicked me. I put Aaron's shoes on. "You don't like it." I said. "Nope. Please go back to babe." He said. I put Ashley's shoes on. "I thought I'll start something different but since you don't want me to I won't." I surrendered.

"I am almost at your place to pick you and the kids up." He stated. August isn't a morning person but he's always up and energized to pick the kids or when I drop them off. "Babe you do not need to drop me at work." I told him. "I want to. I'm here now." He said. I ended the call and took the kids downstairs.

As soon as I opened the door the kids went and hugged their dad. We kissed and then I went and told Saraphine and Trina we were leaving. I also gave Saraphine my keys so that she can use my car today.

August already bought breakfast. I gave the kids their breakfast and ate mine. It takes twenty minutes to get to my place of work. "I want you to have this car." August said. "I can't." I said. My car is a bit small for two car seats but I can't take the car. August has done a lot and I am hiding the most important thing. "Why not?" He asked. "I can't depend on you for everything." I mentioned.

The hours at work went by slowly. I close at five and I have to meet Lucinda at six. August got here on time to pick me up. I left some clothes in the car so I got in the backseat and changed when we got to our location  which was  thirty minutes from where I work. It'll take us about an hour to go back home.

What I know so far is that Lucinda took Ashley and went to California. That's where August tracked them down. I got out of the car and August held my hand. "I'm right here. You don't have to be worried about anything." August assured me. I nodded.

I am shaking because I'm going to face her. I've always blamed her for the reason my father left. August spotted her at a table and we went there. "Hi." I said. August didn't say anything to her. "Hi. Please sit down." She said.

Lucinda disliked August for some reason. I guess he wasn't someone she thought I'll ever be with. "Do you two care for any food?" She asked. August looked at me indicating that I should answer. "We're good." I said.

"I'm deeply sorry I took Ashley from you. I did it for money.  I don't know if you remember James but he said if I take your newborn baby and give it to him that he'll pay me. It was easy to do it because you and I were never on good paths." She said. James. He's someone that kept chasing after me even though I told him I was in a relationship. He never got that. Lucinda had a good paying job. What would she need the money for?

"Why did you do it?" I asked. Lucinda drank some water. "I did it because you blamed me for your father leaving and I wanted to get back at you for leaving the way you did when you graduated. You chose your father over me, who stayed and took care of you and your sister. Your father is very selfish.  He wasn't ready to be a father then. When he left, I kept where he went to from you and your sister. Your sister decided to abandon me too. I was so hurt when I found out from my sister that you two found your father." She said. August squeezed my hand.

If my father wasn't ready to be a father when I was born, why was Violet born? She told me that my father left four years  after Violet was born. Turns out she was just trying to protect us from being hurt. Dad tried to be ok with having kids but later on we were all apparently driving him crazy and he decided to leave.

"Why would James want my baby?" I wondered. James was a sweet guy even though he never left me alone. I couldn't see him doing something like this. "He thought that if I gave him Ashley that he'll get you to be with him. I took Ashley but I didn't give her to him. If I wouldn't have taken Ashley, he would've done it. I took her and fled. August found us and took her. I didn't fight because I know that James is dead. I only wanted to protect her." She said.

"You took her before I could even hold her. I cried many nights because she was gone and I didn't know how to find her. I never told August about her and I thought what if August finds me what will I tell him. You could've told me someone wanted her. I would've found a way to protect her." Tears flew out of my eyes. It's going to take a while for me to forgive her.

She later asked about my life. I told her a few things. I didn't want to overshare. I told her to give me time before August and I left. "Are you ok?" August asked when we got into the car. I nodded. I stayed silent most of the ride. We stopped at Kaylee's to pick up the kids.

When we got out of the car, Lonte walked out of the house. "Hey man. What are you doing here?" August asked. "I just came to get a few of my things." He said. Lonte left and we went into the house. "Kaylee." I called.

Kaylee came downstairs. "Hey." She said. "Hi. You've gotten so big. Is it a boy or girl?" I asked. "It's a girl." Kaylee mentions. I'm so happy for her. "May I know where my kids are before you two continue talking about babies?" August wondered. We laughed at him.

"They're sleeping in my room." She told August. "I'll go get them then we can go." August said. I know that he's tired, that's why he's in a rush to get home. He went upstairs. We went and sat on the couch. "Have you gone baby shopping yet?" I asked. "I did. I bought some things with my friend Shanay." She told me.

Kaylee decided that she didn't want a baby shower. She just wants to get her life together before the baby comes. August came downstairs with a sleepy Aaron holding his hand while carrying Ashley. I went and took Ashley from him and he carried Aaron. We said bye to Kaylee and left.

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