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October 30

I'm tied with a rope on the chair. The meeting was just me and him till someone came from the back of me and tied my hands. I tried to fight this person but this person was stronger than me. That's how I ended up in this gray room with no window. I know that I've been here for a week but I hope my family is looking for me.

"You know Kingpin will kill you." A guy said. He kept water by me and took the duct tape off of my mouth. "Tell him to show his bitch ass face." I retorted. The whole time I have been here I haven't seen Kingpin, only his workers. I opened the water and drank it. The guy left the room and came back a few minutes later. "I heard you're looking for me." Kingpin said.

"You haven't done anything to me yet. Have you punked out?" I asked. He came closer to me and pulled out his knife. "I can stab you right now." He held up the knife at me. If I caught him, he would've been dead already. I don't know what's stopping him.

"Do it." I tested him. He stabbed my knee. I growled in pain. I'm not scared of seeing people's blood come out but mine. I was shaking and it hurt a lot. I heard a gunshot and saw the dude falling to the floor. I set my eyes on Lonte and Jaquan.

Kingpin drew his gun out. "What are you doing here Lonte?" Kingpin asked. Exactly what I'm wondering. "Let August go." Lonte said. "No." Kingpin refused. Lonte gave Jaquan the go-ahead. Jaquan shot Kingpin in his foot and he fell. Lonte came over to me and wrapped my leg with the shirt he was wearing and he  untied me. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. Kingpin was holding his leg and crying.

"Let's just get out of here." Lonte said. Lonte walked towards  Kingpin and drew his gun. "I know we had an allegiance but fuck you. This is for the woman I love." Lonte shot him in the head. Kaylee put him up to this. We left the warehouse and got into my black Jeep.

"Bro, do you need to go to the hospital?" Jaquan asked. I was in disbelief that Lonte would help me. "No, I'm good." I said. Someone's phone started ringing. "It's Bernice." Jaquan said. "Don't tell her anything. I'll call her later." I said. Jaquan answered the call. "Hi... We're still working on it... We'll find him. I promise." He said. Shortly after that the call ended.

I got settled in my apartment. I took a shower and changed. I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. "That subway on the counter is yours." Lonte said. I nodded at him. "I'm going to take my stuff and find a hotel." Lonte said. I opened up the sandwich.

"Listen, man you don't have to go anywhere. You saved my life." I mentioned. That's something I will never forget. He sat at the table with me. "We good now?" He asked. I hated him because he was someone like me and my sister ended up with him. I wanted her with someone better. "We're good." I said. I ate some of the sandwich.

"Kaylee wants a divorce." He notified me. "She tired off all the disrespect you've been giving her." I said. "Yeah." He said. I could tell Lonte loves her and I had some guys inform me about what he's been doing after they got married. He hasn't cheated. They've been married for a year. "She doesn't mean it. She may have meant it then but later she won't." I thought.

I finished up my sandwich and threw the paper in the trash. I went to my room. I turned on my main phone. Kingpin's guys took away my other phone. I don't even need another phone. It was what ended Bernice and I. I didn't end up cheating but I was about to.

I called Bernice. "Hello." She said. I woke her up. "Hi." I said awkwardly. "August?" She said. I chuckled. "Yeah, it's me." I replied.

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