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Same day

I can't wait to see Bernice and my kids. I haven't seen them in over a month. My phone started ringing. I answered it. "Hello." I said. "August I'm tired. It's been fifteen minutes and this guy isn't even here yet. I'm leaving." She yawned. 

"Just give him five more minutes, he'll be there." I said. "Ok." She said and ended the call. "Damn. She's gonna be pissed at you." Lonte said while making a left turn. We are on the way to my house. I offered Lonte a place to stay. He's going to stay with me till he can get a place.

"Why you say that?" I asked. We stopped at a red light. "Doesn't she live close to you?" He asked.  "Yeah." I calculated how many minutes it takes to get to her place. She lives six to eight minutes from me. Lonte just shook his head. "What?" I asked. "We could've just drove to her place and you would have surprise her there. Instead of her coming here and leaving the kids." Lonte mentioned. Lonte told me this before I even contacted Bernice but I didn't listen. We pulled into my driveway.

I quickly got out of Lonte's car, forgetting my bags in the car. I rang the doorbell since the extra key isn't under the mat.  Bernice opened the door. "August." Bernice noticed. "Surprise." I said. She moved aside so I could come in.

"There's no guy coming?" She wondered. "Nope. I thought I'll-" She jumped into my arms. "Damn." I looked at her ass. "Stop." She said. "I missed you." I said. "I missed you too." She said.

When I put her down her whole mood changed. She went to tired to happy and now mad. She hit my arm. I looked at her questionably. I walked to the couch and sat down. "It's seven at night and I'm tired. You made me come over here and leave my kids at home so you could just surprise me?" She crossed her arms. "Yes." I said.

"You know my kids go to bed at eight on weekdays. I get them off the tv and read them bedtime stories. Ashley takes two hours to fall asleep. I'm supposed to be with them all day today and you had me here waiting for you. I've left the kids with everyone while you were away. You need to start putting my kids priorities first over yours. That's what we as parents are supposed to do." She informed me. I sighed. Lonte was right. Lonte walked past the living room and just shook his head at me.

I stood up. I took Bernice's hand. She yanked it back. "Baby, I'm sorry. I'll do better. I will start putting our kids priorities over mine. I promise that I won't disappear again if you do too." I apologized. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes." I said. "Ok. I am not going anywhere." She promised.

She picked up her purse and phone from the couch. She reached for something inside her purse. "Here's the two hundred." She handed me the money. I took out my wallet and opened it. I got out five hundred bills and gave it to her.

"I have been taking care of the kids with my own money while you were gone. They're good." She stated. "It isn't for them. It's for you." I said.  "I can't." She said. "I'm not taking it back." I said. Bernice does a lot for the kids more than I've ever done. This is a way I am showing her my appreciation.

"Thank you." She said. She put all the money in her purse. "I have to go now." She said. I pulled her close to me and kissed her. "Now you may go." I watched her leave the house.

Next day

I locked the house. Staying in a six bedroom house has been lonely. During some days since I don't have a job I am around Ashley and Aaron. I'm going to start doing online school in January instead of continuing at the school I was at. When the baby comes, I won't have time to go to class.

I'm going to go see August. I need to know how he's doing. I care about how he is even though we have issues. We can solve those later. I'm not going there to fight with him. I made a right turn and got on the highway.

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