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June 6

I took the kids to visit August. I sat them down and explained that their father is currently away because of something he did wrong, and it will take some time before he can come back home. While Aaron seemed to better understand the situation, Ashley is still confused and unaware of her father's whereabouts. We will explain more to them when they are older.

As I looked over at August, he smiled at me and I smiled back, reminiscing about the day we first met. In a grocery store, he accidentally bumped into me, and we exchanged apologies before parting ways. Then I kept seeing him everywhere and at some point, we decided to exchange contacts.

It took a while for us to start dating. I mostly keep to myself and he's the complete opposite. It took Kaylee begging me to finally give him a chance. We have our ups and downs and I'll never leave him again.

"Five minutes." A guard came by and told us. I nodded. We barely talked during this visit. I wanted him to spend time with the kids. There is so much we have to talk about, but that'll be another time.

"It's time to say bye to daddy." I told them. We said our byes and I took them to August's mom's place. She's going to watch them overnight since I have to work. I can't keep leaning on my sisters to do it. They have their own lives to live. (In some cultures cousins are considers sisters.)


I did my first rounds at work. Almost everyone is sleeping while those that aren't are watching tv. I like Night Shift because there's not much to do. The only downside is that I lose sleep. They are two of us working on this floor. She's an African like me, but from Cameroon.

I heard the elevator ding. I shortly saw Terrel walk into our office. We've been avoiding each other.  I am the only one here right now so he has to talk to me. "Hey." He said. "Hi. What can I help you with?" I said professionally. "I um..." he paused.   His mom is no longer here and volunteers aren't supposed to be here at this time. Why is he here?

"He came to see me." Corine walked into the office. "Hey babe." She hugged Terrel. "Hey." Terrel smiled. She pulled him out of the office. I have to admit they look cute together.
She's a year younger than me. She's a very strong and talented woman. I was thinking of hanging out with her aside from work since it'll be good to have a friend.

After I graduated from high school, my friends moved away for college and I later lost contact with them. I am not someone who easily makes new friends. I decided I didn't need any. I feel like I do now.

Corine came back after some time. She went on the computer. "Hey. I was wondering if you would like to hangout sometime after work." I mentioned. She turne|d and looked at me. "I would love to." She gave me her phone so I could put my number in. I texted myself so that I had hers too.

She started working here a couple months ago. I only know a little about her and same for me. I'm always working and with the kids. I need to go out more which I'm going to start doing.


"He won't stop blowing up my phone." Shanay said quietly. "Why isn't he blocked?" I swayed Ezra. She just looked at me without saying anything. I hope she's not thinking of going back to him. "I know I should have. It's just that I love him. I'm not sure I want him out of my life." She admitted.

I thought when she called me to get her. It meant that she was fully ready to leave him. "What do you mean?" I asked. She sighed. "I'm thinking of going back to him. It wasn't like he was hitting me all the time. It was always spaced out." She explained.

"You know that it will keep happening right? He's going to think you'll keep coming back to him when he hits you." I noted. "I'll see if he'll agree to couples therapy. If he doesn't I'm done." She decided.

I don't like this idea, but it's always hard to change her mind. "Well, since your mind is set I hope this won't be a mistake." I said. Ezra started crying. He recently just ate so I checked his diaper. He needed to be change.

I miss Lonte. I wish he was here to help me with Ezra. My mom comes and helps out most weekends and Bernice has helped when she can. I'm like a single mother.

"Kaylee, I'm going to work now." Shanay yelled. "Ok." I yelled back. Ezra started crying again. I picked him up and calmed him down. He doesn't seem to like loud noises.

I answered Bernice's call. "Hey. What's up?" I asked. "How are you?" She wondered. I sighed. "I'm overwhelmed. Raising Ezra alone is hard. I barely get any sleep. When I don't sleep, im always irritated." I explained.

"Have you told your mom all of this? Maybe she can move in with you." She optioned. "Do you think she will?" I put Ezra in his crib and then sat on the bed. "Why not? Y'all's relationship has been progressing. I believe she will." She mentioned.

Ever since I had Ezra, our relationship got more better. I feel like it only did because I had a child. Before Ezra we were ok and she'll call me once a week. I didn't feel that she truly cared. I thought she was doing it because I called her out.

"Ok. I'll ask her." I decided. "Good. I have the whole next week off and I can come and stay with you to help you." She offered. "Really?" My eyes lift up. "Yes." She confirmed. "Thank you." I mentioned.

The house will be noisy, but I'm getting help that I really did. That week she came I got a lot of sleep. She told me to relax that she'll mainly take care of Ezra. I did just that.

My mom said that she can move in in a month. I thanked her a lot. My mom works only three days a week as an RN. She was overjoyed when I asked her.

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