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September 19,

I called Bernice. I told her that I am here and I'll be at her place in 40 minutes. I went to the parking ramp. I was able to find my car in a couple of minutes.

I left it here because I didn't want anyone to drive me to the airport. I knew whoever I ask will question my actions. I didn't want anyone to.

When I got to Bernice's place, I rang the doorbell. The door opened. Bernice didn't say a word to me. She let me in. "How are Ashley and Aaron?" I concernedly asked. "They're asleep. Ashley's fever went down and Aaron can move his hand. I'm glad it's not broken." She replied.

I sat on one of the couches. Bernice sat across from me. "Why'd you leave?" She questioned. "I needed a break." I said. "I get that you needed a break from me. Did you seriously need a break from our kids?" She inquired.

"I didn't." I answered. "You didn't call anybody to check up on them. You weren't answering your calls. What if they died? You would've never known until you got back." She claimed.

I should've answered my calls. I should've checked up on them. I didn't and now I have to face the consequences, which is probably Bernice ambushing me with questions.

"I'm-" Bernice interrupted me. "You shouldn't have ran away from your problems. You-" I cut her off. "Hold up. What about you? You left for years. Now you're saying I shouldn't have ran away."

"You're still mad about that?" She wondered. "Yes I am. Not only did you leave, you took my son and when you had Ashley you didn't tell me she got taken away. I needed to know this." I determined.

"I know that I shouldn't have done that. I did it because of his safety. I wanted Aaron to be protected. When I was getting closer to the due date of Ashley being born I was going to come back after I had her but I didn't. I'm sorry for not telling you anything." She had tears in her eyes.

I went to her side and hugged her. We've both been through some things that left a big impact. I have to get out of this game.

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