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September 12

"I need some money. I have to pay this month's rent." I told Bernice. "How about you get a job?" She said. "You know that I don't want to but you keep bringing it up." I mentioned. "Find another way to get money." She said. I scoffed.

I got C's and D's all throughout highschool. "What happened to your dream to be a model?" She asked.

I wanted to be a model. My mom and dad thought it was a stupid idea. They were always putting me down.

I left my parents house at eighteen. I haven't talked to them since. They used to contact me but I ignored them. I guess they got tired of me not calling back.

I partied to let all my feelings out. "I'll try to look for an agency for you." I nodded. I'm not letting anyone stop me from doing what I want to do anymore.


Bernice walked into the kitchen. I put my other phone in my pocket. There's things that she doesn't need to see on that phone.

"Why do you have two phones?" Bernice questioned. "I don't." I lied. She was reaching into my pocket. I slapped her hand away.

"Hand it over." She demanded. "I don't have another phone." I stated.

"Stop lying. This relationship can't be based on lies." She said. I handed it over.

"What's the password?" She asked. "3987." I lied. "Doesn't work." She noticed.

"I don't check your phone. Why do you want to go through mine?" I asked. She handed me her phone. "Check it. I'm clean but you may not be." She said.

I checked her messages. She was clean alright. "The password is 4082. You won't like what you'll see." I told her.

"This text is from recently." I bit my lip. I watched her search my phone and she scrunched up her face. "You're going to see one of your hoes tomorrow night."

"I'm a man with needs." She slapped me. I held my face. She threw my phone at me. I opened the container of apple juice and I spilled it all over her shirt.

She didn't say anything. She looks really pissed. She walked towards the front door. I followed her. "I'm sorry." I said. She shook her head then she left.

BerniceWhere stories live. Discover now