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I decided to change Bernice's character. She's in the mm.

August 30

Jaquan and I pulled some strings to get Ashley back. Lucinda didn't even put up a fight when we told her we are taking her.

Kaylee walked in the house carrying Ashley and Aaron was beside her. "What happened?" I asked. Ashley was crying.

"She scratched her knee when she was running around the playground." She handed me Ashley. She went to get the first aid kit.

Kaylee bought back the first aid kit. She opened it and gave me the band aid. I put it on her knee.

"Can you please get her a lollipop?" I asked. "I want one too." Aaron said.

Kaylee nodded. She went and got the lollipops. My phone started ringing. I read the caller ID then I answered it.

"What's up Jaquan?" I questioned. "Boss needs us. He says it's urgent." He mentioned. "Aight. I'll be there." I stated.

Now that I have my kids back I need to find a way to quit this job. Ashley and Aaron are watching TV while sucking on there suckers. The door bell rang.

I went to get it. "Lonte what the hell are you here for?" I questioned. "I need to talk to your sister." He said.

"You don't need to talk to her. If you ever come near her or Bernice again, you're ass is going to be six feet under." I threatened.

"Lonte what are you doing here?" I turned around and looked at Kaylee. "You didn't know he was coming here?" I wondered.

"No." She spoked. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me you had an abortion?" Lonte inquired.

"I didn't think you needed to know." Kaylee said. "I-" I cut Lonte off. "Wait a minute. You must have used all the money that I gave you to get an abortion which means Lonte ain't steal shit." I realized. "Yes." Kaylee nodded.

"I'm going to let you two talk. I'll drop the kids with Trina before going to work." I said.


I dap Jaquan. "You're late." Da'shawn said. "I had to deal with my sister and drop the kids off." I explained. He nodded. Da'shawn is in his late thirties and he's our boss.

He's understanding with me and Jaquan. He's not understanding with the other workers. You can say we're his favorites.

"Here's what's up. I have a special drop I need y'all to do tonight. I know that someone is being a snake. I need y'all to find out who that is." He demanded.

"OK boss. Snitches always are bitches." Jaquan said. "Y'all are dismissed." He said.

"What did Kaylee do now?" Jaquan asked. "She used the money I gave her to get an abortion." I said. "Lemme guess she ain't tell Lonte about it." He spoke.

"He found out today." That's her second abortion. They were all Lonte's. I think she needs to make her choices wisely.


I finished feeding Ashley. I let her go play. Aaron finished his food first. My phone was ringing.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi, Trina." Bernice said.

"I haven't spoke to you since you left. How is it over there?" I asked.

"It's fine. Grandpa said that you need to come and visit since he's getting older." She mentioned.

"Tell him I will." I spoke.

"Something's weird about August. Do you know something?" She questioned.

"I don't know anything. Not at all." I lied.

"You're acting strange too. Seriously, what is going on?" She interrogated.

"Nothing. Everything is fine." I said.

"OK. What's up with Violet she hasn't been answering my calls?" She wondered.

"She's been hanging out with Jaquan. They have a little something going on." I stated.

"Finally. I was gone do something about her liking him." She said.

"Aaron stop Ash-king that." I covered up what I was about to say.

I was about to say that Aaron should stop Ashley from throwing things down.

"You're with Aaron?"

"Yeah. August dropped them- I mean August dropped him off."

"What's up with all the strangeness?"

"It's nothing. I really need to go see what Aaron wants." I ended the call.

I did not want her to figure out that we have Ashley. August is going to surprise her at the airport with her.

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