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Xiao zhan went back home with bulma and the other two girls, unknown to him that someone somehow  recognised him. The boy who looked at xiao zhan until he has dissapointed out of his site, returned back to the ward where two boy's were seated and one of them was just laying down on the hospital bed lazily with an injured knee.

"Yibo, i think i saw someone familiar." The boy who came inside told his friend, yibo looked at his friend and sat down interested.

"Is it the bastard who hit my knee? I will crush him to pieces if i get my hands on him." Yibo asked remembering how that bastard boy run into him with a motorcycle, it clearly shows he doesn't know how to drive, and that not being enough, he run away faster than a cheetah!.

"Not him, but the guy you broke up with four months ago, but then surprisingly he is pregnant, his stomach is visible, he looks very happy, but I am not sure if he is the one." The boy answered answered making wang yibo eye's to get deep, yibo hands was clenched into a fist imagining xiao zhan being pregnant with some other man baby, he just lost one and he went ahead to find another, even after cheating on him, that shameless thing, he will have to teach him a lesson.

"Hey buddy what's with the reaction, you have already broken up with him, there's no need for you to be so angry, whatever happens to him has nothing to do with you." Another yibos friend said but was immediately hit by the pillow wang yibo was holding.

"Shut up! You will not understand." Yibo answered and gritted his teeth in anger, why does it hurt too much when he heard of xiao zhan  being pregnant? He broke up with him right? But then it hurts! Xiao zhan was to be only his! He is not supposed to be shared! Zhan who was showering felt like someone was really thinking about him, but not in a very good way, but zhan immediately brushed it off, he is safe here, nothing will happen to him or his baby.

"Not understand that you still love that boy? You still can't let him go? This is your first time falling in love, i can understand how you feel." Another chimed in.

"I will deal with you, after i feel better! Continue making fun of me now." Yibo shouted and ignored his three friends who were just making fun of him, he needs to confirm if the person his friend saw is really xiao zhan, and getting that information, it's easy, he just needs to know the medical report of that boy.

"Kris which department did that boy go to?" Yibo asked, kris teased wang yibo but still told wang yibo the department xiao zhan came out from, yibo followed closely and found that the person was really xiao zhan, he is six months pregnant, and his home address, everything about xiao zhan was written down, yibo who was going through the documents smirked, then looked at the gynaecologist with a smile.

"Thank you so much doctor, i will surely take good care of my boyfriend." Yibo said and left, if he didn't use his connections then he couldn't have accessed xiao zhan information so easily, yibo motioned his friends to follow and the four left the hospital and returned back to the hotel. Yibo came here for a business trip, but his three friends followed him just for fun, he never expected the person she met for few days for business meetings was actually living at the same place as xiao zhan.

Yibo took out his phone and made a call and talked to the lady who he had business with, asking her out for dinner, but the woman refused, saying he has a nephew to take care of, he can come to her house for dinner, and the woman sent her address.

"Such a coincidence, xiao zhan your actually hiding here huh, how about i surprise you?" Yibo whispered and smirked, getting ready, yibo didn't inform his friends where he was going. Zhan forgot to buy some more books on his way back home, and he decided to order online, when he heard the door bell, he thought that it must be the delivery he ordered, he forgot to put on shoes, he happily opened the door, and took out the money from his pocket.

"I was to clear the bill after you have delivered my books, here is the money." Zhan who didn't check who it was said while smiling, he was only wearing a buggy shirt with shorts which were hidden by the shirt which was above his knees, his white thighs were exposed, and his legs which were a bit swollen can be seen well since xiao zhan was not wearing any sandals.

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