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Wang yibo swallowed hard making his Adam apple to move up and down when he heard xiao zhan words, he was slightly hurt when xiao zhan said he is going to sleep with him just for the sake of his baby, he wants him to do it not for the sake of something or someone, he wants xiao zhan to do it with him willingly, he doesn't want any reason.

"If your doing it because you have no choice, then forget it, i Wang yibo is not your play toy." Yibo answered making xiao zhan feel his heart being sliced into two with wang yibo words, it really hurts bah! How could wang yibo say such a thing.

"You! Why say such a thing! We two are not even together now! What do you want me to do, kneel down and lick your feet and beg you! Remember you hurt me and broke up with me without listening to my explanation, tell me Wang yibo, you think i wanted to break with you? If you didn't do what you did months ago, do you think we will be in this situation now huh?" Zhan who sounded hurt asked, yibo who was also annoyed lifted xiao zhan chin and there eyes met.

"Will i do it if you didn't keep that damn necklace your ex boyfriend gave you? You know I am jealous but you kept something and admitted to be something that reminded you of good moments! Remember how was your reaction when the necklace was destroyed? Tell me! You treasure your ex boyfriend necklace and you never cared about my feelings!" Yibo shouted making xiao zhan to be speechless.

"I know i was wrong, i kept something i shouldn't have, but why did you have to humiliate and insult me in front of everyone, even after i lost my baby, you never cared, you chose to insult me wang yibo and accused of me of cheating, you never trusted me, with how you behaved it clearly showed you don't love me." Zhan didn't shout, but just talked normally, you could feel the emotions coming out from his voice and words, yibo kept quite for a while, a flash of guilty could be seen on his eyes.

"I went overboard, but at that time i was hurt and angry, the person i loved just ignored my feelings, then out of nowhere i heard you were pregnant, what do you expect? You wanted me to smile and be happy knowing well i used a condom? I know i was unreasonable, I'm sorry, i love you so much, i will not doubt you again, never." Yibo answered and got tempted with xiao zhan red lips, not being able to control himself, yibo connected his lips with that of xiao zhan.

Zhan felt his whole body becoming weak when he felt Wang yibo lips on his, a surge of emotions erupted from his heart, the feeling of missing, hurt and loneliness was immediately replaced with the urge of wanting Wang yibo there and then, his body felt itchy and wanting to be touched, his butt hole felt even more itchy, zhan has never felt something like this before, closing his eyes, zhan returned the kiss. Zhan wrapped his hands around Wang yibo neck and deepened the kiss, yibo who was only after a simple kiss was surprised seeing xiao zhan getting so demanding, yibo stopped kissing xiao zhan making zhan to groan in frustration.

"We were both wrong, we did something and never thought of the after effect, we were proud and selfish, I'm sorry i hurt you zhan, i will learn to be better, let's tolerate each other, and communicate, let's start over xiao zhan, i don't want us staying like this, let's have a complete family for our unborn baby." Yibo added, zhan listened to wang yibos words and admitted that on his side he was wrong, no one was right, they didn't communicate, which is something very vital in any relationship, they believe that the other was wrong and whatever they did was right.

"Okay, but now i want you to continue kissing me." Zhan whined and pouted, yibo smiled and pulled zhan closer, before connecting his lips with that of xiao zhan, zhan and wang yibo made out in the car for more than ten minutes until xiao zhan was left breathless, his face was flushed red.

"Is that enough?" Yibo asked jokingly and pecked xiao zhan swollen lips.

"No i want more, let's go back home, my whole body feels so hot right now." Zhan who was breathing heavily said and he took Wang yibo hand and placed it on his already hard crotch that was licking with precum, yibo eyes got deeper and more dark with xiao zhan behaviour, his semi hard crotch got even more hard, he didn't expect xiao zhan to be so turned on with just a kiss.

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