What's That Supposed To Mean? - 38

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Updating again :)

Thank you for the amazing support you guys are giving me. Voting, fanning, commenting, everything! It's really amazing, I am so so so thankful. 

Hope you enjoy :)


Chapter 38

We were currently all sitting around the table – we had to get a few more chairs so we all could have somewhere to sit – , eating dinner. My father and Uncle John were joking around with the twins, making everyone laugh and them to glare. I was sitting between Mason and Arianna and Noah was sitting across from us between Jacob and Thresh.

Thresh and Caleb had been so quiet throughout all of what had happened and it wasn't a surprise. They were the most quiet and calm of all the brothers. They could be crazy but they usually were just down to earth, funny and nice guys, which I loved about them. Being older, they weren't – mostly Thresh, I guess – as shy as they used to be. I wished that they would find their mates soon.

Mason was teasing Thresh about just that; mates. Teasing him about how wild he'll probably be when he finds his soulmate and that all this was just an act.

“You'll come out of your shell,” Mason said smugly.

“And you'll lock everyone else in it so you can partey!” Jacob added.

We all stopped halfway eating, staring at him with confused eyes. Nothing ever made sense, coming out of his mouth.

“Brother, please, don't speak,” Noah mumbled, finishing off his bite on the fork.

“Ever, if that's possible,” Caleb added.

Arianna, Mason and I cracked up and laughed out loud, making Jacob glare even more than he already was. He chewed angrily.

“It is not possible for me not to speak. Sorry.”

“We know, it's worth a try, though,” Mason said, grinning.

“Seriously, dad!” Jacob whined. “They're all getting up on me! It's like a hundred people on one!”

“A hundred?” I looked at Jacob with concern. “Jacob, honey, are you sure you listened in class? We're ten people on one... You know, remove that extra zero you added. Putting two zeroes is one hundred. Putting three zeroes is one th-”

“Screw you all.

He got up from his chair and left the kitchen, leaving us all quiet and surprised by his outburst.

“Hey!” Noah called, getting up and going after him. “Watch your mouth!”

What's That Supposed To Mean? - Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now