What's That Supposed To Mean? - 39

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Sorry I havent updated in a while. THOUGH, I want you to know that I've read every single comment and I LOVE AND APPRECIATE IT soooooooo so much! Thank you for taking your time at all to even comment and write and like and vote, not only just reading. It means alot to me. Thank you.

As you maybe know(?) this story is slowly coming to an end. As I said before, this isnt a PLANNED story so whenever I feel like writing on it, I do and whatever comes up, I write. Then I see if I'm "pleased" with it haha but anyways, I don't have much more imagination for THIS story... so it IS coming to an end.. I just want to make a small dramatic moment before they have their little "the end" :)

So anyway, my dear readers, enjoy chapter 39. This is as far as I have gotten in ANY story! Lol, its scary and amazing and its all thanks to you guys.


Sorry if all my "drama" moments are so boring, I really am not good at those. I always write about the same thing lol but I wanted to update and this is what I have for this chappie :)


Chapter 39

I woke up to chaos. It wasn't in the room but I could hear it. The running around downstairs, the nervous breathing and the hushed worried discussions. I blinked, opening my eyes. A very bad feeling settled in my body. I threw myself out of the bed, waking up Noah as I did. He immediately knew. We exchanged a worried look before running downstairs, meeting Thresh on the stairs.

“What's going on?” I asked loudly, wanting the answer right away. My father, Uncle John and Mason and Caleb stopped doing whatever they were doing and looked at the three of us on the staircase, waiting. The twins came out from their bedroom, confused and worried.

“They've taken Jacob,” my father answered. To say that my heart made a doubleflip is an understatement. It made a freaking tenflip, if I put it that way.

“How?!” Noah roared.

“When?!” I added, horrified of the image of someone taking Jacob and doing God knows what to him.

“They left a note on his bed. We found it just five minutes ago.”

“What does it say?” Thresh asked quietly, in shock.

They all looked anxious, avioding my eyes. I knew then what the note had said. A growled escaped my lips as I ran back upstairs, in to the bathroom, freshened up and then got dressed in clean clothes. I put my hear up in a ponytail and ignored everyone as I marched down the stairs and towards the front door.

“If it's me they want in exchange for Jacob, it's me they'll get.”

I threw the door open, hearing the crack I made. I was stopped by no other than Noah as he spun me around, the look on his face telling me that he thought I was crazy.

What's That Supposed To Mean? - Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now