What's That Supposed To Mean? - 19

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Hey guys! I will post Chapter 19 now. Hope you enjoyed this story so far, thanks for all the votes and comments and likes and fanning and all that, means alot!

Enjoy :)


Chapter 19

Three evenings later, I was outside in our woods, running in my wolf form. It felt great, the feeling of freedom and the wind through my chocolate brown hair. I concentrated on giving all my strength to run as fast as I could as I was proudly dodging everything. I had been running for at least an hour now without a pause and I still wasn’t tired. You’d think that I’d get tired much sooner since I hadn’t run like this for long but I actually managed to run much more than usually, without getting tired or anything.

The sky was turning darker and darker by the minute and the moon was shining brightly, giving the woods a mysterious and magic yet dangerous look. I loved it.

Suddenly a loud growl interrupted all my focus and concentration. I got so surprised by the growl and the fact that I wasn’t alone, that my sudden lost focus made me too slow and as I tried to stop, my right side hit a tree and pain shot through my entire side. I groaned and automatically scanned the trees and bushes for any movement.

That had hurt. Ugh.

There was another growl and I immediately growled back, even louder. Who the hell was that? It was either someone playing with me or someone being for real. I walked around a little, ignoring the small pain that was still lingering on my side. I wanted to shout and ask who was there but I couldn’t talk in my wolf form, only growl, so I did it again.

Then he came out.

I knew it was a he because he was much bigger than me and he had that “male wolf” thing about himself that they all had, that certain way he stood and walked and the way he looked at his prey, which in this case was me, unfortunately.

Another smaller growl escaped my lips as the dark blue-black wolf and I stared at each other, both standing in prepared positions in case one of us would attack. Who the hell was this and what did he want? I wasn’t far from my territory and there were no other wolves in this town than us. Was this someone from Aaron’s pack, which lived in another town here in Ohio? But it couldn’t be because they knew my dad and Uncle John’s pack were the only werewolves here. He shouldn’t act like this towards me if he knew that.

I moved my head to the side once as I growled calmly, telling him to leave. He had nothing to do here. I was vaguely aware of my clothes that I had around my front leg. Maybe I should change into my human wolf? It wasn’t safe, though, because I was much weaker like that and much slower even though we had those extra fast and good “everything”; the wolf form was always better in every way.

The wolf in front of me took a step forward and then another, all the while staring in my eyes. It looked like he was going to fight me but then again, I couldn’t know for sure because I had been in freaking New York for five years and I had never been in a situation like this. Ever. And that meant I hadn’t learned how a wolf looks when he’s about to attack or when he’s not there to hurt you and all those things.

I felt so freaking weak. I had never really fought a wolf for real, only when I was joking around with my cousins and the Black’s before I left town. But I was much younger then and wasn’t as informed and strong. But it was good that I loved fighting because even though I couldn’t tell for sure if he was going to attack or not, I knew how to fight well both in human and wolf form. I had done my practice when I was in New York; I just went out to the woods far away somewhere, shifted and did my thing. Now it was real, though, and I must admit: I was a little nervous.

What's That Supposed To Mean? - Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now