What's That Supposed To Mean? - 33

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Dedicated to AmyAjJones for her awesome message! Thank you!!

And love you ALL for the amazing support and the comments, votes, likes and fannings, EVERYTHING! Thank you thank you thank you! :D


Chapter 33

Almost five hours had passed and I was exhausted. I had eaten dinner with the Raven family – the entire pack was on some business – and Leona and I had gone up to her room and talked and talked and as the hours passed, I was getting drowsier and drowsier. At last, she chuckled and offered me to sleep on her bed while we waited for Noah, Jacob and Mason to come.

I took her up on that offer and as soon as I shut my eyes, I was asleep.

“Samantha? Samantha...”

I listened to the whispering voice, singing my name and slowly opened my eyes, feeling quite alert. Have you ever woken up and just felt... not tired at all? Well, I felt like that now. I turned around and looked over my shoulder, chuckling at Leona as I turned to face her.

“Sorry I fell asleep like that. I'm a bad guest.”

She grinned. “Oh please, you were exhausted. I'm not going to lie, I fell asleep on the couch as well. It's almost midnight.”

“Are you serious?” I whispered automatically, I don't know why.

“No one is asleep, no need to whisper.” She chuckled. “But! Your guy is here. They just came. My father's talking to them as we speak, so if you want to freshen up, bathroom is there. Oh and that bruise on your cheekbone is starting to show.” She pointed at a white door behind me and I jumped up, thanking her before going inside and splashing some water on my face. The bruise was indeed showing. It was dark purple, a little faded but still there. Stupid giants.

If I hadn't been asleep, I would've gone straight down but I wanted to fresh up anyways because I knew I'd be stuck down there since Bo Raven wanted to ask me questions about everything. I made sure I smelled good and went back out to Leona.

“I can't believe he's here,” I mumbled, more to myself than to anyone. It felt like weeks away from Noah. Kidnapping seemed to be my middle name nowadays.

Going down the stairs, I tried not to run but when I saw him, standing there with his hands in his pockets, listening to Bo Raven, nodding and responding, my heart was flipping up and down and around and I couldn't help but half run towards them. They all heard Leona and I and when Noah saw me, he stopped talking and ran over to me, taking me in his embrace.

The feeling of his arms around me was always the same.

No words, just hugging. I hugged him tightly around his neck as he squeezed me closer to his body. I can't believe it was just earlier today that I had been taken away. Seriously, being kidnapped makes you feel like you've been gone for a long time.

What's That Supposed To Mean? - Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now