What's That Supposed To Mean? - 49

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Chapter 49

As soon as I confirmed everything with Leona and her brother, the door behind me opened. Of course he'd notice me gone; he's been obsessed with keeping me safe lately. I hated being a burden like that, even though I know he would say that I wasn't.

"Sam, what's going on?" Noah's worried voice came, his footsteps coming closer. I would never get tired of the way his presence affected me.

"It's okay, don't worry."

I explained the whole situation to him and how Liz's attack was due in two hours. Noah immediately woke up the pack and started sending them out around the territory. If this didn't end now, today, I would seriously freak. I've had enough drama with Liz and her shit. It was tiring and annoying.

I made sure everyone was busy before sneaking in to my cousin Willa's room, a room where no one thought to look for me. I had to think this through and make a plan. I hated doing this behind their backs but desperate times call for desperate measures.

The only thing to really stop this was me going alone. If I died while ending Liz and her people, I'd die for my family.
But now, don't think I am some kind of fearless warrior who is going to risk her life for her loved ones just like that. No, I am very scared and nervous and I can only hope that this works out the way I plan it to.

Also, I need to figure out a way to get pass the guards of my pack and Leona's pack standing around now. Damn. This is going to be so much more exhausting than I thought.

After literally two hours of non stop planning - except for the moment where they were searching for me through mindlink and I had to assure that everything was fine - I was finally ready for a break. I was pretty much finished with the plan and what strategy I'd use but not the part where it might come to a fight with Liz and her people, which I was sure it would. On that part, though, I'd have to improvise.

My break consisted of checking on the planning and preparing, also making sure no one suspected me for being gone so long. I hated lying to them but it was for their safety. And I really had to go soon. I checked the clock every two minutes, my insides twisting and turning from nerves. Noah was going to kill me for this. Ari, too. And my dad, oh my dad. He'd probably have a heartattack just hearing this. I knew how much they would all mourn if I died but I also knew how much I would mourn if it was the other way around. Yes, I know, I am being selfish too now but I'm sorry, that is how I feel but definitely not the entire reason to why I am doing this.

Sometimes you just have to take the matter in your own hands and fix things. That's what I am doing now. And it is going to work, whether I survive or not.

“Sam, I need you!” Arianna called, breaking me out of my thoughts. I blinked, nodding as I followed her. I have to act normal. They'll notice the smallest things, trust me. Everyone is on edge right now.

“You okay?”

I nodded.

“What can I do for you?”

“Okay so I'm doing the drawing of their territory and I've drawn every entrance I can remember. Am I missing anything? It's important that we have all entrances otherwise they can attack us without us knowing and that will be a disaster.”

I checked the drawing, trying to remember if there was something more she had to add. Nothing popped up.

“It seems legit. Can't find anything missing or wrong.”

“Great thanks. What are you doing right now?”

“Um... I'm just making sure everyone is good for the moment... You know, if they need help or something else.”

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