What's That Supposed To Mean? - 20

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Heeeeeeeey everyone! Sorry for the long wait!

Happy May or something hahaha, let's welcome this month with happiness and positive energy! (WTF?) Anyways, I'm in a weird mood haha :)

Chapter 20 today... I've come pretty far, or something, right? For being me that is. I personally like when a story has over... 25-30 chapters, yeah, so... But anyways, I'll write as much as I can. I don't know if there will be a sequel to this one, I feel like I want to start with a new story but I don't know what it should be about haha lol, but anyways, sorry!



Chapter 20

I was healed three days later, luckily and when Dr. Rain had come back to check on me he had said that my body and my wolf was strong and the fact that I had barely moved out of bed these days, helped a lot. I was glad I could walk without feeling pain in my rib again and I didn’t feel exhausted anymore. Being in bed and sleeping so much really gave me back my energy and I now felt alert as heck.

Noah had also visited me two days out of these three but he didn’t stay that long. His excuse for my dad was that because he had found me and helped me, he wanted to just check on me and see how I was doing. My dad and everyone else seemed to buy it, though, so I didn’t care. It was nice when he was here because we got even more used to each other and us being mates and having that special connection that we felt everytime we were together. And away, for that matter. My wolf practically whined whenever Noah left and even though I didn’t mind, it was starting to get annoying.

Also, Arianna had been with me a few hours everyday and we talked about pretty much everything. She came to me half the day and spent the other half with Aaron, her mate. Well, to put it short, many came to visit me even though I hadn’t been injured seriously. The Black’s had come, every one of them and their jokes helped me not feeling bored and alone in my room, because let’s face it, three days in bed was pretty much mentally exhausting even if it wasn't that much.

Tomorrow was Monday, though, the first day of training. I was pretty excited and looking forward to it and I hoped, and suspected, that we wouldn’t start off slow. We needed to learn everything fast and I was pretty sure they wanted to start off with something useful already since we both knew how to fight to a certain level anyway.

I took a shower and washed my hair and shaved and all that, preparing for tomorrow. It was six o’clock and the sun was already starting to go down. I decided to go over at the Black’s when I had finished and my hair had air dried. It didn’t happen often but my hair was weird and different. It was naturally straight but naturally curly, does that make any sense? Sometimes when it air-dried, it stayed pretty straight, maybe a little bit wavy, but sometimes, it turned curly. Not curly-curly but still curly. I knew that my mother’s hair was straight but on my father’s side, the women had all curly hair, including my Aunt Bianca. Arianna had more of the straight hair and Willa had wavy, a bit more to the curly side, but her hair was cut to right under her hair anyways so it didn’t always show.

I put on a pair of jean shorts that I found in my closet and a normal fitting black t-shirt to that, put on my converse loosely and left. It wasn’t cold at all; it was still warm, but not hot. It was this nice warmth that just wrapped around you and your skin and made you want to stay in the sun.

What's That Supposed To Mean? - Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now