What's That Supposed To Mean? - 18

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I'm back! I'm having internet connection problems, I hate it, but sometimes it comes back and then goes off again. But that gives me more reasons to write more :) Anyways, I wont make you read more than this, so ENJOY chapter 18! :)


Chapter 18

Oh. Of course he did.

“It’s good,” I answered. “You saw it yourself. He was sitting with me and Arianna. Not something that happens often, is it?”

“That’s true.” Mason nodded. “Was he talking any?”

“Sure. More than usual.” I smiled. “We’re all good, trust me. Do you seriously think I would just sit there if he was ignoring me after everything last night? Na-ah. You know me.”

“I do, but I also know my brother. Let’s just hope for the good and hope he stays good. Don’t you have a meeting later?”

“Yep. Two hours. My dad is picking us up before six he said. Why, are you coming with?”

“No, just asking. I heard those guys that came with Warren yesterday were good trainers in their old pack. I think my dad was talking about having them as your and Noah’s trainers, you know, for the Alpha positions.”

“Really? I thought they were giving us someone older.”

“Maybe. I’m not sure.”

“Where is Chelsea?” I asked. “You guys all good?”

Mason scoffed. “Hah, we’re always good sweetie. You’ll know what I mean once your mate starts loving you for real. She’s still at my place, with the twins.”

“You left her with the twins? Bad idea. And shut up about Noah and I already, it’s weird enough anyways.” I shot him a glare but smiled anyways. It was impossible to get annoyed or mad at this guy.

“Can’t. It’s too funny and too weird for me too. I have to joke about it.” He laughed. “No but I love you both and I’m happy that you’ve finally found each other even though you were in each others faces all these years. I’ll go back now before my brothers kill my mate with their boring jokes.”

“Thanks, I love you too. And yes, go. I’d rather be alone than find out that Leo and Theo are guilty for killing her. Bye, Mason.”

“Bye, you freak,” he said before walking out with a grin.

So I sit on the couch, staring out the window until the door finally opens and in steps my father. I glance at the clock quickly: 5:15. He kept his word. I got up with a smile and hugged him. I love hugging him and feeling his big protecting daddy arms around me.

“Hi, dad,” I said, looking up at him with a grin. He kissed my forehead.

“Hi, my sweetheart. Are you ready to go?” he asked. I nodded.

“Absolutely. I just need my jacket and shoes.”

“Okay, and when you’re done, can you go and get Noah? Wait for me outside, I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

I nodded and went up to my room, putting on my black biker jacket and my converse, running back down to the hallway. I called out to my dad, telling him I was going, and went outside. I walked over to Noah’s house, wondering if Liz and Jennifer were in town again today with Tyler. They spend an awful lot of time there which was a bit weird since they had supposedly came here to visit us and spend time with us.

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