A/N June 29th

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Hey everyone! I hope you read my message on my board! Just in case you didnt, Im currently away on vacation and thats why I havent updated. Ive been here for 2 weeks and now 4 more days, so i will update once im home and settled!!

Dont loose patience and dont give up on me! Sorry for the long wait. Much love to everyone!

Until next time! :D

UPDATE July 24th

Excuses, excuses. I love all of you for the amazing support but I will not finish this story...

SIKE! Sorry hehe, just wanted to drop a fake bomb therrree! Anyway, as i said, excuses excuses but I am sorry for this. My laptop charger is F-ed up and there is no way for me to update. So, just have more patience than you've already had til now and wait please. I WILL update, just maybe.. Not July. Lol. Okay not funny. Anyway, so so sorry and much love to you all!

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