What's That Supposed To Mean? - 48

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Chapter 48

It was six in the morning when we were finished with cleaning the entire mansion. We had cleaned up the blood, packed all the food and the snacks and the drinks that were left in boxes to take back to the pack. We put all the furniture back to the way they should be and made sure to cover the hole in the glass door. We removed all the lights from the backyard and the front, putting them in boxes as well. This all belonged to Stephanie and I didn't want to leave her stuff; I didn't want anyone coming back for anything.

When everything that didn't belong to the mansion was packed and everything that belonged to the mansion was where it should be, we put all the boxes in the trunk of Victor's car. The three of us were dead tired and even though I had told Victor and Noah – well, we all know Noah would never leave me alone, especially after the attack – to go home several times, they stayed and helped me.

I turned off all the lights and locked the front doors with the key Stephanie had left in the keybox.

Finally, stepping outside, I inhaled the fresh air. The sky was a light morning blue and the sun was slowly rising. We made our way to Victor's car and got inside.

“Did we forget anything?” Victor asked. Noah and I shook our heads and Victor started driving.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived. All the houses were dark inside, everyone probably sleeping. I hoped no one was too shocked by the incident.

Noah, Victor and I went to the trunk and grabbed a box each, carrying them to Noah's front porch, leaving them there. When the seven boxes were out, Victor locked his car and we walked into the Black house quietly, trying not to wake anyone up. As we walked into the livingroom we saw that my father, Uncle John, Mason and Jacob were sitting there, their eyes landing on us.

Relief washed over each of them it seemed as they all let out breaths. The four of them stood up, questionmarks on their faces.

“Why didn't you go to sleep?” I asked them with concern. They looked ready to sleep.

“Worried too much,” my father said with a small smile. “Are you okay, sweetie?”

I nodded.

“I'm okay. Go to sleep, there is nothing to worry about now.”

Even though we all knew that it wasn't true, no one said anything abou it. My father and Uncle John both nodded. Uncle John gave me a kiss on the head before leaving and Mason and Jacob waited until they were gone before they started talking.

“Did you find anything?” Mason asked.

“No,” Noah said. “We cleaned the place and packed Stephanie's stuff and the food, that's all.”

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