What's That Supposed To Mean? - 28

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HEY!! Sorry for the long wait, forgot that I had to update now that school's been taking my time and I started working on yet ANOTHER story -.-' HAHA anyways!!!! ENJOY... More typical me drama coming soon.. -.-' Im not good with BIG dramatic things.


Sorry for the big gaps between each part, i dont have microsoft word on this computer and im used to it and this program is just... well, sucky. Anyways, tell me what you think honestly! otherwise, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING AND FOR READING :)


Chapter 28

We were lying on my closet floor, naked and under the pile of clothes we had managed to take down. Noah was lying on his back and I was on my stomach, half of me on his chest and the rest on the floor. I did circles with my finger on his chest, loving the way it felt when he dragged his own fingers up and down on my back.

“Do you remember that night you had with Tyler?” Noah asked, amused. “Your “date night”?”

Oh I remember, alright. I nodded, glaring at him amusingly.

“How can I forget? You were there with your nasty comments and all.”

“He was just so funny, trying to act all tough.”

“At least he didn't just sit there like a pussy,” I muttered glaringly. Noah grinned with his eyebrows up at my last word. I continued. “If we wouldn't be mates, I would still be mad at you for that. You ruined my date and you hit on me.”

“Hit on you? Please, I was just acknowledging the sexual tension between us,” he defended. “And, why on earth would you still be mad at me? It's not like you liked him anyway. Right?”

“No I didn't like him, Noah. But you obviously knew about the things that were happening between us, you were playing with me.”

“Well, I'm just sayin',” he said. “If I hadn't interrupted you, you would've probably become his girlfriend and we would go back to ignoring each other and we probably wouldn't be laying here.”

“I think we would've found out we were mates sooner or later. Plus, how could I ignore you after you had kissed me?! Why did you kiss me, Noah?” I asked with a smirk. “I mean, now that we're mates, you can tell me. Right?” I mimicked.

“I don't know why I kissed you. I was stupid, I was horny and I just felt like it.”

I glared at him, for real this time.

“Seriously? Stupid and horny and “just felt like it?” Please, we both know that's not true.”

“Why wouldn't it be true?”

“You just said it yourself! We had sexual tension. Why is it so hard for you to admit?”

What's That Supposed To Mean? - Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now