What's That Supposed To Mean? - 16

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Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't update in a few days but I haven't really had the time :)

Hope you enjoy chapter 16. Comment, vote, like, fan whatever you want just tell me if you like it or not. It makes me more motivated that someone takes their time to write a comment or vote and such!


Chapter 16

“Noah and I have been getting… feelings. Weird things are happening. When we’re close. And not close,” I said it all with a few seconds of silence in between, like I couldn’t speak normally. Ugh, so stupid. Mason stared at both of us, his eyes going back and forth between us.

“Would you like to explain further?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

“Well,” Noah said, his voice steady and louder now. “We’ve kissed three times and there are thing, feelings, passing between us whenever we’re close.” He breathed out and added, “Or something.”

“Oh,” Mason said. His eyes widened. “Oh!”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “Oh.”

You two? I would never guess…” he said, speaking more to himself. “This can explain the fact that you always wanted each others attention when little… that connection. But it turned to hate instead which now turns to love… Mhm… You came back and the connection came back… It makes sense.”

“Mason!” Noah said suddenly, making Mason and I jump. “We’re standing right here, you idiot.”

Mason stared at us, the excitement gone. “I…I think you’re mates.”

Think?” Noah repeated, glaring. He was getting impatient and angry. I nudged him – once again trying to ignore the feeling – to calm him down.

“Well, no,” Mason said. “I’m sure. If what you guys are saying is true and strong, you’re mates. These feelings and sparks don’t just appear when you’re not mates, no feeling is that strong unless you are bound together.”

“Yes, right,” I said. “These… sparks. We get them everytime we… touch. They seem to get stronger every day, is that normal?”

“Normal?” Mason chuckled. “Sam, that’s the proof of your mating. I can’t believe you two have actually kissed. Three times, at that!”

“Okay, enough,” Noah said. “You can leave now.”

“Are you sure? Don’t do anything stupid. This mate thing is not to play with, got it?”

“Got it,” I answered for both of us because Noah was practically fuming for no reason.

“And Noah,” Mason said, suddenly looking dangerous as he took one step closer. “If you ever touch Sam in a bad way or break her heart, I’m going to break your bones, you hear me?” He grinned. “So no pressure.”

“And if you tell anyone about this,” Noah begun.

“We’ll kill you,” I finished seriously. “And thanks for this.” Mason just chuckled, promised he wouldn’t and left.

Noah and I watched him go all the way inside in silence and then turned to look at each other. We were mates. We were mates. Noah Black and I, Samantha Riley, childhood enemies, were mates. Unbelievable yet so amazing. I had finally found my mate. And it was a plus that my mate looked like he did. But now I started to wonder what Noah thought about all of this because no matter how confident and un-caring about other people’s opinions and thoughts of me, I was, Noah and I were together in this now and every thought of his counted as much as I mine did.

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