What's That Supposed To Mean? - 35

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Thank you so much for all your amazing comments and messages! They make me so happy and thankful each time! Thank you for the support! And thank you of course for all the votes and fannings and likes AND for putting my story to your libraries ;) Haha lol anyways, here is chapter 35, hope you'll like it or something haha. 

Like I said many times before, I am NOT good at dramatic scenes and I can be a little bit TOO dramatic sometimes but I STILL always create drama. Gah! Haha just tell me your opinion and I'll be fine -.-' 

Here yaa go! :D


Chapter 35

I entered the bus, taking my seat in the back. There were only two people on; an old woman that was asleep and a guy, a little bit older than I, staring out the window with earplugs in his ears. I sat down and leaned my head back. Alone time was good sometimes. It was good to think but at the same time, it was bad because thinking too much made me crazy.

I looked out the window, watching everything we passed, watching the people that walked around in the streets. Young people in groups, a mother and her kids. Two old men, a group of young men and another group of young women.

The bus stopped and a few people entered. A lonely girl, an old man, a middle aged man and... Noah? I wanted to laugh out loud at how bizarre this was. How could he possibly take the same bus I was on? I knew he had been looking for me but it was just weird that he would take a bus. A bus that I was on. Not a coincidence.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened and I raised my eyebrows at him as he quickly made his way over to me. I hated seeing the worried look on his face. I saw it so often nowadays and I hated that I always caused it. He sat down next to me, his arms around me immediately.

“Do you want to be killed?” he asked. I chuckled, shaking my head. “Why did you leave? Alone?!”

“I went to visit your dad,” I said. “I wanted to talk.”

Noah gave me a look that I couldn't make out. Sad, confused, hurt.

“Samantha... I'm here if you need to talk. I'm here for anything, you know that.”

“Noah, I know. And I will always come to you about everything. I just wanted to visit your dad and talk to him a little.”

He sighed. “And screw that bet. Fine, I'll admit. Men can't live without women. I can't live without you. Not even for half a day.” He chuckled and I grinned as I gave him a kiss.

“Told you.”

“Yeah yeah.” He took my hand in his and I rested my head against his shoulder. “Are you okay? I mean, you said you went to talk. Is everything alright?”

I nodded. “I'm fine. I just have a lot of thoughts. About me and my wonderful gift for attracting trouble to not only me but all of you as well.”

What's That Supposed To Mean? - Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now