What's That Supposed To Mean?- 11

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Chapter 11

I woke up in a sudden movement, blinking. Living room.

I pushed myself slowly up, rubbing my eyes. I felt drained and I hadn’t done anything exhausting. In fact, I’d done the opposite; sitting on a chair outside my house. But still, I felt drained.

I yawned, rubbing my eyes as I got up and walked to the kitchen. The clock said twelve thirty. I shrugged; at least I had gotten more hours of sleep than usual. I made myself some breakfast, sitting down and eating in silence. Which, let me tell you right now, was not good.

Everything that had happened yesterday including all my stupid depressive thoughts came back, coming over me like a bucket of water. I sighed, shaking my head. How could that kiss had happened? It didn’t make any sense. How could that kiss give him the answer he was seeking? Was he stupid or something? He was probably trying to see if his stupid annoying charm worked on me. Well, it didn’t. It made me even more annoyed. And the fact that I liked the kiss! Yeah, now that made me furious!

“Morning sleepy head!”

“Good morning, Samantha!”

I looked up at my dad and Liz who both stood there, my dad in his bathrobe. My dad had just woken up; he walked as if he was ninety years old. Liz on the other hand was dressed and ready to go.

“Morning, Liz,” I said with a smile and then turned to my dad. “Morning to you, too, dadster. It seems I wasn’t the only one being a sleepyhead today,” I said, smiling. He chuckled, making himself some breakfast. “Sit, I’ll make you some,” I said.

“No, no, sit down and eat. I’m not that old.” He smiled. “I just felt like sleeping in. I never actually do and I think we all need it sometime. Not everyday, though, don’t get any plans. That means sleeping away a lot of time.”

“Very true,” Liz agreed. “Gives us more energy. Anyways, I will go now. Jenny and Tyler already went into town and I’m supposed to meet them there now. I will see you both later. Have a great day. Samantha, you look as beautiful as always!”

“Thank you, Mrs. Warren. Bye.”

“You, too, Liz,” my dad said before she walked away.

“So,” I said when we were alone. “Any plans for today?” I asked. He sat down with his breakfast, shrugging.

“No idea. Maybe I’ll take John and Mason and some of the guys from the pack to see how things are going around here. Contact a few other packs in other cities, see if everything is under control. You never know when something might happen. The packs today are very competitive.”

“Weren’t they always?”

“Yes. Even more. But today it is for different reasons, sometimes. It’s the showing off and having the biggest and most powerful pack that creates the war today. Before, what started the wars were anger and complications or stealing, mating, family things. More of those things. Today it’s just nonsense. All the Alpha’s are younger and they think differently.”

“What if Noah will be like that? He already is,” I said. My dad nodded, more to himself than to me, sighing.

“Noah is just like that, right now. We all believe in him and that he will change when he becomes Alpha. Hopefully he’ll find his mate soon enough; that will probably change him as well.”

“He will,” I said quietly. “He’ll change. He just needs time.”

I don’t know why, but thinking about Noah and how he was acting made me feel sorry for him. Because I looked at him, in his eyes in those moments when we were arguing or glaring at each other, and all I could see was emptiness. What if he was really empty, longing for something? I wanted to help him somehow but I didn’t how. The Riley gene had taken over me completely; believing, caring and sympathetic. I’m not bragging, it’s just who we are; everyone knows that, werewolf or not.

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