What's That Supposed To Mean? - 4

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Chapter 4

Samantha Riley

Finishing my breakfast I went upstairs and took off my bathrobe. I threw on a pair of new jeans shorts and a mint-green loose t-shirt that hung slightly a little over my right shoulder. I was going for a run anyways and the clothes would just have to be there for me to put on afterwards. I brushed my hair and let it fall down as it was. I went down, let my father know I was out for a morning run and hurried out to the woods around our fields.

I stepped behind a tree as I undressed and shifted into my wolf. God, it felt good. I hadn't done this for a long time and she probably hated me for it. But I could feel her excitement now and it made me even more excited.

Don't worry, we'll do this a lot more now, I thought, smiling as I prepared myself to run.

I got into a position as if I was waiting for the countdown to run and started running. The feeling was amazing. Freedom was all I could think of as I ran through the deep forest, not hitting a single tree or branch. If there was one thing I knew I was good at when I ran, it was running without hitting anything. I could dodge even the smallest things like leafs and they just flew away when I ran pass them as fast as I could.

I already ran fast but my adrenaline was high and all I could think of was, faster, faster. I sped up, running and running straight forward for a while and then turned back, running to the right and then to the left. I wasn't even the slightest tired. Probably because all this energy had been inside, waiting to be used. I ran all around the woods that I knew were our territory. I breathed in every single familiar scent from when I was little, feeling home.

About – I think – forty minutes later of running, I decided it was enough for the moment. I went back to the tree where I had left my clothes, shifted back into my human form and got dressed. I smiled to myself as I stepped away from the tree, ready to go home only to be stopped by a certain Noah. His dark hair was ruffled and his black eyes were intense.

"Well, good morning,” he said. His voice was husky and to be honest, it kind of turned me on, but he was Noah so I ignored it.

“Morning,” I said back, smiling.

“Taking a morning run?” he asked, oh so casually that I wanted to slap his face. He was playing the same game that I was, pretending to not care about anything. Well I cared about a lot of stuff, just not him and I was going to show him just that from now on.

"Yeah. Very… refreshing,” I said, smirking.

"I know what you mean.” He looked me up and down, not very discreetly at that, and I fought the urge to kick him in the groin.

“Anyways. Have a nice day,” I said with a fake smile and passed him. I don’t know if it was a chuckle he gave or not, but it sounded like it. I just continued walking and went back home. Rolling my eyes, I went upstairs and took a shower.

Noah Black

Sexy, indeed. But, she was Samantha Riley. Her hair was ruffled as if she just had morning sex, her lips were still pink and her t-shirt showed off a lot of skin. I’m a guy; of course I look at those things. If I try to think that she’s not Samantha, only someone else. Maybe if I’d been here earlier, I would’ve seen her get dressed but, what can a guy do? That would have to be next time. I had a date tonight anyway.

Samantha Riley

Later that day, when it was about six o’clock, I decided to take Arianna up on her offer to go to the shops and the café. I wanted to sit outside somewhere and see what had changed in my old home town. Arianna was ready to go as soon as I said the words and we were off. Toby, a guy from our pack, was walking toward his house. We waved at each other with smiles as we passed. I wasn’t close with a lot of the people in the two packs but everyone knew each other, whether you hung out or not.

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