Chapter 17

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After what felt like days, Adrien went at the mansion excited , unlike the past two weeks.

He smelt something good, so he hastily went to the room, freshened up and changed in a  T shirt and sweatpants.
He literally ran to the dinning room.

Emerson was plating food. He went towards her cooly like he wasn't just running to eat her food and see her.

"Hi" He greeted.

He noticed her already tense posture tensed more but didn't relax back.
She turned towards him and greeted back politely.

Something is off.
But she was fine in the office.

"Food is ready. Let's sit " She gestured him to sit and he obeyed her with a nod.

There was 2 types of lasagna, crispy takos and muffins to eat. And slightly  spiced buttermilk and water.

"Are the lasagnas different types? " He asked.

"Yeah. The one on left is chicken and right one is veg. "

Trying to keep the conversation going he asked her again.

"Why two types?"

"I don't eat flesh. You have both options but only veg one is for me"

"Oh you didn't have to double your efforts. Veg was ok with me. "

Emerson just shrugged.

He noticed Emerson join hands and mumble something. Probably saying grace. He was impressed.

After eating in silence for some time, he reached for buttermilk but Em stopped him.

"Don't , you are eating chicken. The combination can harm your health. Let me pass you the cocktails."

She has too much knowledge.


The rest of the dinner went silently.
When Adrien finished, Emerson was about to pick his plates but he stopped her and did it on his own.
He noticed she never took anyone's help in any matter, well mostly.

When she was done cleaning the table and doing dishes, he leaned on the kitchen island beside her and started a conversation.
"You are really good cook. "


He knew at the moment something was definitely wrong. She was always polite no matter what.
Or she was just acting and now I noticed her she is being a bitch.

He was about to say something but her phone rang in her sweatpants' pocket. She dried her hands and received it.

Why she always getting call at odd times. It's 9 pm now.

Adrien was annoyed now. His previous excitement to come back was now totally thrown out of the window.
He was about to go back but he noticed the tiredness in her voice and stopped in the same place.

"Hello Grandma Rose. "


"I am fine just tired. "


"No, I am fine just really tired. "


"Yes. Did you eat your dinner? And took your calcium tablets? "


"Good.You should be careful now. You aren't young now. "


Adrien noticed her face went pale and she gulped loudly.
Is everything ok?

She then laughed nervously and continued,
"No Grandma. How can I say that my favorite Granny is old. I am just saying that you are not young. "

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