Chapter 35

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"So, about the job... "

Emerson trailed off.

Adrien sighed mentally. He knew Emerson wouldn't take it. She was too self respecting to take it.

"- I will take it." She said.

Adrien snapped his head towards her.
He couldn't believe she agreed.
"Really? " He asked in disbelief.

Emerson frowned.
"Don't make me regret it ." She mumbled.

Adrien composed himself.
"Thanks, it's really important and very helpful for me." He acknowledged.

Emerson nodded.
"My classes are from 8 to 12 . I can work from 2 onwards. After the lunch break." She said.

Adrien nodded.
"I will mail you the details and files about the work you have to do. The rest we can discuss in my office, whenever you are ready to start, hopefully asap." He said, tucking his hands in his pockets.

"I will like to go over the details and all today itself, but I have somewhere to be. I will see you at 3." She said.

Adrien agreed.
"I will send a driver to pick you up." He said.

Emerson shook her head.
"I can come early if the work is done fast, so don't bother. Just send me the adress. I will be there before 3." She said.

"Ok, just bring your laptop and ID. That's all." He said.

Emerson nodded and glanced at her watch.
"I should go now. Bye." She said.

"Bye." Adrien said.

When Emerson was out of line of sight, he almost fist pumped but refrained when other people looked at him wierdly.


Emerson's appointment with Andrew was tense with awkwardness between them.

She just told him the progress in her sleep and he told her to come after 2 weeks.

Now Emerson was standing in front of a bid building, but smaller than Adrien's NYC HQ.
It was still big.

She was in stonewash jeans and brown tee, her hair in braids and her sport shoes. She had some water drops on her tee. Rain in Oxford was really problematic.

She tightened her hold on her bag an her and entred, the guards checking her I'd and then sending in.

She went towards the front desk.
"Hello, I am Emerson Leone. I am here to meet Mr Stone." She said politely.

The front desk lady look startled but composed with a smile.
"Ok, let me see. You don't have appointment." She stated politely. Her English accent prominent.

Emerson returned the smile.
"It's ok, I will call him." She said.

The lady shook her head.
"Let me do it." With that she called him.

After hanging up, she looked at Emerson with sympathy.
"Sorry, he said he doesn't know any Emerson Leone."

Emerson's eyes widened and her lips parted in shock.
So he just wanted to humiliate me.
A pained look passed her face making the lady widen her eyes.

"Sorry, sorry. I was just joking. You looked cool that's why I tried it." She said with a sheepish smile.

Emerson let out a sigh in relief.
"Please don't do that again. I almost had an attack." She stated .

The lady looked apologetic.
"Sorry, just take the elevator and go on the 12th floor. The front desk lady up there will guide you." She said.

Emerson nodded and left.

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