Are you jealous

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There were so many things that I wanted to tell you but I was so mesmerized by your eyes.



"Toby! Bring the cupcakes"

"Yes mom" Toby brought them over to the table, it was Saturday morning and the Jone's house was a big mess. It was Alina's dad, Damien, 45th birthday so Martha wanted to make a surprise party they had made a foolproof plan.

Thomas would take Damien early in the morning for some shopping, they needed to buy things for fishing, it was their hobby. The rest of the Perk's would arrive once they leave, helping the Jonesto prepare the surprise party for Damien.

"Wait I'll help you" Callie said to Alina

"Thanks darling"

They were a little busy and excited with all that but they were also worried, the guests were late and the place wasn't all decorated yet.

"Where's Col, Aunt?" Aaron questioned

"He said that he needed to do some things early in the morning but he told me he would get on time to help"

"Classic" Alina whispered to herself but then the door opened revealing a crowd of happy people

"The guests" Martha smiled, they created each other and happily helped, things were almost done.

"Hello family" Colten said

"Oh Colten! How did you find the guests?"

"I was about to came here when I saw a group of people a few blocks away..."

"Yeah we were in the wrong place" One of them says

"Oh but now you're here! All thanks to Colten! Thanks love" Martha filled him with kisses, he gladly received them and then also helped

"I wonder what he does to have that luck" Aaron said to himself and Alina overheard "and to top it all he also as love... Damn I'm his fan"

"You're pathetic" Alina commented

"He is awesome..."Aaron said again

Once the place was ready everyone hide, they turned down the lights and waited.

After some moments they heard a knock on the door and it slowly opened revealing Damien, they quickly stood up and cheering "Happy Birthday" and Thomas turned on the lights.

Damien smiled and his wife quickly hugged him.

"Dad don't cry" Aaron said giving him a hug

"Me? Crying? As if"

" Happy Birthday Pa" Alina said next giving him a kiss and a tight hug

"Happy Birthday old man" Tobias said laughing

"Old man?" Damien laughed, he picked Toby up "I'm not old I'm wise"

"Old" Toby laughed again

Everyone greeted and congratulated Damien, it was an happy and calm environment well... not for everyone

Alina was finishing some details on the cake when Colten arrives the kitchen to get more wine. He overthinks in whether should he say something or not.

She was super concentrated in the cake she didn't wanted to mess it up but aas soon as she felt some eyes upon her "Shit"

"You ok?" he asked her once he heard her curse... No answer... He let the wine on the counter and checked what she was doing

"What happened?"

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