Let's deal a lie

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I hurt all the damn time because my stupid heart has decided for one reason or another that it can't survive without being next to yours.

- Rachel Van Dyken


"No fucking way, so he is serious?"

"God damn, that bitch"

"This is very weird"

"Well at least that's what he told me" Alina confessed

"I don't believe it " Gabe said, they were now on PE class discussing if Colten and Emma were in a real relationship

"What does he see in her?" Sophie asked looking at Emma who was cheerleading

"Boobs" Zoey said

"She doesn't have that much! I have more"

"She looks more of a slut than you" Gabe said

"I hate her" Sophia furrowed her eyebrows sending a wicked look at Emma

"I think you're overthinking all of this" Alina said

"Maybe you're the one that's not thinking that much...doesn't this bother you?" Zoey asked

"Why should it?"

"It's not normal"

"We'll know if he's real about this on the trip" Sophie pointed out

"Yes! He'll always bring dozen of girls to his bedroom and hot tub and dot dot dot" Gabe agreed

"If he doesn't do it then... he's real about her"...he loves her Zoey recognized making Alina shiver at the word love

"And how are you going to prove that?" Alina asked

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to guard his bedroom or something?"

"Shit... She's right" Gabe said

"What if oh oh guys!" Sophia said in joy

"What?" they asked at the same time

"What if after he gets out of the regular party we divide and hide in the places he'll possibly be at"

"Wait and then we'll just sleep there?" Zoey asked

"We don't need to sleep there just make sure he is alone or with company" Gabe explained and the others nodded in agreement

"You're crazy" Alina commented

"No...we are smart" Gabe said pointing to his head while Alina rolled her eyes and smiled

"You need to come to help us out Alina" Zoey pointed it out

"Yes" The others said in unisound

"I'm not going to the ski trip I thought that was clear"

"Not clear"

"Never heard you say you weren't going"

"I'm sorry did you say something?"

"Guys... for real I don't feel like going"

"WHY??" Gabe asked loudly in despair, so loud that the teacher heard.

"Gabe be quiet! do you want to do 10 push-ups?"

"No sir"

"Sometimes I wonder if this is PE class or military training" Gabe whispered making them laugh

"You're going" Zoey demanded

"We're done for today you can go wash yourselves kids" the teacher said "hurry up we have football practice in 5. I need the field empty"

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