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Love is friendship that has caught fire.

-Ann Landers


"My only love sprung from my only hate,
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love is it to me
That I must love a loathed enemy" Mrs. Robinson read "So what does this mean?"

"That this is boring?!" Miles, one I'm of the class clowns, said

"No, Miles. Another comment of that and your boringness can move to the detention" She warned him "We know this is a love story but what does this quote tell us?"

"That Romeo and Juliet were enemies" Colten said

"Very well, Mr. Perk, and what can you tell us from here?!"

"That it's a thin line. Love and hate are similar in being directed toward another person. Despite this similarity, the two seem like polar opposites."

"Exactly! Very well! The most obvious and easy scenario to explain this is in which you hate and love a person at the same time is one in which your love is not reciprocated or so you think. If you think you are basically a lovable person or that you give your all to a person, it can be hard to comprehend that someone you love might not love you. But...this wasn't exactly the case. We've seen a lot of writers write about love and hate but Shakespeare is one of the writes that most lies upon this subject. Like Colten said there's quite a thin line between life and hate and Shakespeare remarks or insists that opposites can never be entirely separated: the lovers will never be allowed to forget that they are also enemies. "

"But, Mrs. Robinson?"

"Yes, Sheldon"

"How can someone hate love at the same time? Scientifically speaking that's impossible. They are complete opposites feelings"

In the middle of the class was Alina and Zoey whispering, well in fact only Zoey was whispering...

"See, Mrs. Robinson is totally proofing my point. He loves you"

" How many times do I have to listen to this ?"

"The times that I want" Zoey remarked "Listen you both are enemies but the truth is you love each other"

"You're aware of the fact that I have a boyfriend ?" Alina questioned while taking some notes

"Bro, I am, believe me! "

"Just let that go I'm sure if he had any idea of dating me you wouldn't alow it because the only thing he knows is fuck girls and then break their hearts"

"Ok, yeah! You're right...but still I-"

"Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith do you have anything to say about Romeo and Juliet or do you want to join Miles in detention?"

"No, Mrs. Robinson, I'm sorry"

In the back of the class was Colten, looking at somewhere or someone, thinking ...


"Friday it's time to PARTEEEEHHH!" Travis screamed making everyone in the whole cafeteria hear the big announcement "Ladies and Gentleman you are now invited to my great party at my house, this Friday!!!! Bring your swimsuits it's gonna get wet, ladies" he said blinking his eye at Sophia then he sat with the jocks and Emma.

She was always with them, all-time, everywhere...they even protected her they didn't make fun of her they just tried to kept her safe while Colten was not there.

"Stupid ass prick" Sophia muttered while eating

"What the hell are your problem and Travis?" Zoey asked

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