Wattpad Story

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She might be down to earth and rooted in reality by her responsibilities, but her soul is a wild one; always set on finding magic in sunsets and sunrises that others take for granted

-Daniel Mercury


Monday was quick, after the date Alina and Jake went to his house and watch some movies... They missed times like these were there was only them, in their own world.

Tuesday came and it was like any other normal day at school, Aliana only had classes in the morning so in the afternoon she stood with Zoe in the library.

"Mom asked you to came this sunday" Alina whispered

"Your mom or you?" Zoey questioned knowing what her best friend was planning, Alina covered her face with the book she was reading to ignored the question. "Alina?" Zoey asked in a rough tone taking the book put of her friend's hands

"Maybe I gave the idea..." Alina stated unsure and Zoey rolled her eyes

"You know very well that me and your brother will never happen"

"A girl can dream... and meanwhile can actually make her dream came true or at least try " Alina shrugged

"It's useless" Zoey said

"Oh but please come! I'll be alone in there"

"You won't be alone! You literally do this every 2 Sundays " Zoey stated

"Pweatty pwease" Alina pouted making a baby voice so Zoey couldn't resist

"I'll think about it " Zoey told her and Alina squealed in joy which made the librarian shushed her "So about this Emma..."

"Oh don't you start too..." Alina pleaded

"I'm just trying to understand your move here..." Zoey clarified

"There's no move, she's new I just wanted her to fit in..."

"Gabe told me today in class that he saw her and Colten together at the arcade room yesterday "Zoey informed

"Okay...?" Alina was not getting Zoey's point

"And he drive her home"

"He never drives people home" Alina said surprised

"Yeah...and he never let's people eat with him in his table at the cafeteria" Zoey said "but somehow he let Emma"

"Well... that's good I think?!" Alina said a little unsure "maybe she's changing him, maybe he really likes her..."

"He doesn't like her, he likes you" Zoey affirmed

"Not your weird theories again Z" Alina rolled her eyes

"It makes sense A, just think... He likes you, he tries to get over you, he fucks a lot of chics and doc doc doc and still can't get over you...so..."

"So..." Alina said waiting for her to proceed

"so he gets a girlfriend. Trying to get in a relationship maybe will actually mess with his feelings" Zoey said

"That doesn't makes sense"

"Yes it makes"

"No it doesn't! He doesn't like me, in fact he hates me so that whole theory isn't valid "

"then explain why after he kissed you he never talked with you?"

"We were children" Alina "It meant nothing. Why you always bring this up?"

"You know him since you drink form your baby bottle, you were like best friends when you were younger and then after the kiss he started to not talk to you and hate you...and you were not children you had like what eight?"

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