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"Unbelievable" Alina laughed ironacly

"Why are you taking his side suddendly?"Zoey asked confused

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You hate him Alina"

"What if I don't?" Alina said in a louder tune getting up frustrated and leaving the cafe. Full of anger she rapidity walked to campus and so on to her dorm

At least Jude won't make questions about him Alina thought to herself. Jude was her roommate, she was a very lovable girl with ginger hair and she dressed like she was a hippie of 70's, she was full of love and peace and Alina liked her a lot thanks to her she learned a lot about hippies and 70's. Jude was found of Alina too, though she seemed tired and sad, Alina always had the time to hear about what Jude fanaticism over hippies.

Alina needed to get to the dorm grab a coat and a few bags and take the next bus, and arrive in time to dinner with her family and the Perk's

Tired and relieved of reaching her dorm, she opened the door and greeted Jude "Hey Jude" but when she looked inside there was Jude and two other people

"Are you Alina Jones?" One of them asked

"I am yes..."

"We need you to come with us" he said showing his batch

"What happened ?"

"I'm afraid it's about one relative of yours"

"One relative?"

"The orders that were given to us was to escort to the Police Station so you can talk with our commander"

Alina heart raced dozen of thoughts running through her head. What happened? Who is she seeing? And why her? It can't be her parents or her brothers they are having a family dinner tonight with the Perk's which means it can be them either their wise she would know by now if something happened to one of them by someone else.

"Can you accompany us?" The officer asked and she nodded grabbing a coat and leaving the place quickly. They escorted her to the car she sat at the back and quickly called Aaron


"Give it to her please, mom" she heard front the other side of the line

"Hey.." he answered

"Please don't make any questions I just need you to back me up"

"More than I already am?" He said stepping away from his mother and Anna

"A problem appeared I have low battery I need you to just say I'm fine, I'm studying whatever I will call you back when I can"

"Alina" he whispered"Everyone is starting to get doubtful. Mom questioned if you really know about Colten. Aunt Anna has been eating, if I hadn't get sooner to the kitchen she would pass out. It's getting hard over here"

"I know and I'm sorry to put you in this position. I'm not coming to the family dinner so please cover it up for me"

"Where are you going?"

"I can't tell you. I don't want to worry you. I'm fine ... and Aaron, whatever it happens DON'T TELL THEM"

I can't tell cause even I don't know what's going on Alina thought

"Where are you going dude? You're scaring me"

"I'll call you when I can" she ended the call and look at the battery of her phone


That's not good she thought, she searched for a charger in the only bag she had with her, with was a small purse with her wallet, a small box with medicines and some pads for emergencies and her dorm key's.

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