The new girl

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You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the end

-C.S Lewis


The sunlight slowly entered in the room, warming every corner, the sheets began to warm as the hot calmly infiltrated. It was a peaceful morning, the sun was shining and few clouds were in the sky, clearly a September morning.But all the peace and quiet in the room was washed away when the clock over the bedside table started to ring warning Alina that was time to wake up.

Her dream started to vanish and the ringtone became loud and louder than before making her groan. As much as she hated mornings, this morning was a different one, this was the first day of her last year in school, she was a senior this year!

Although there was a good reason to get up from bed she still didn't wanted to...she was definitely not a morning person. When she was trying to debate rather open her eyes or fall asleep again a scratchy and loud voice scared her.


She let out a bigger groan when she noticed who was the owner of that irritating voice. Her older brother, Aaron. Aaron and Alina always had a relationship we're the base was to piss off each other, some people say that siblings can be nice to each other but honestly Alina rarely as that experience, especially with Aaron, he is 3 years older than her so they are quite the enemies...

"Go away Aaron" Alina commanded in her still sleepy voice

"Chop chop, sis! You don't want to miss the first day of senior year... Oh I still remember mine, it was a blast!!" he teased her, his body rested on the frame door a plain smirk on his face and his arms crossed over his chest "Don't you even miss your boyfriend?"

Alina sat in her bed and moved the sheets so she could see her legs, she calmly slide her feet in her slippers and looked at her brother "Why do you have to piss me off so early in the morning" she questioned, getting up and making a bun.

"It's my job, sis!" he said with honest and closed the door letting his sister alone in the room. Alina dragged herself through the room till her bathroom, yeah she had a private bathroom which was really nice, a girl needs her space!

She took a quick bath which helped her to wake up and choose her clothes. It was September so the clime wasn't too cold nor hot, it was in the middle so she chosed  something simple yet pretty. Blue jeans, a black belt, a t-shirt from one of her favorite show 'Friends' saying 'PIVOT!' and a loose black shirt.

 Blue jeans, a black belt, a t-shirt from one of her favorite show 'Friends' saying 'PIVOT!' and a loose black shirt

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[ A: something like this! It's missing the loose shirt but I think you can see the idea]

She dried her hair and brushed it, she looked at the mirror and saw her face.

Mmh maybe some make up wouldn't hurt she thought

She loved makeup but she was lazy so today it would be something simple, really simple. No base, just some highlight, a pinky nude eyshadow and mascara, to give a final touch some lipgloss that she decided to take to school.

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