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I've learned that home isn't a place, it's a feeling."

― Cecelia Ahern; Love, Rosie


The trip came to an end eventually and things back in school got back to their normal yet Alina was acting weird at least in their friends perspectives, but they didn't care much as she would insist she was fine.

Some weeks had passed and it was time for exams and also Sophia's birthday party which turned out great for her. Somehow Travis and her got to an understatement that night at the ski trip, and now Sophia's birthday party would be a total bomb as she would due to her boyfriend being such a good host, truth is he was know for giving awesome parties.

Alina and Gabe were now at their final class so they could go home and get ready to Sophia's party. It was a presentations day at English class, each student had chosen a book and would be now explaining it and his perception of the book. Finally it was the last book being presented and it was 'Love, Rosie'.

" You never could lie to me; you were always terrible at it. Your eyes betray you time and time again. Don't pretend that everything is perfect because I see it isn't."

"Why is this your favourite line to you Ms. Walker"

"Honestly it was the easiest one to say" she said making the whole class laughing

"Ok kids quiet" the teacher said "the boys at the back you're so funny could you tell me whats your favorite line?!"

"Oh look it's the jokers" Gabe whispered at Alina, they turned back and saw that the boys at the back were Colten, Travis and Ryan. Travis and Ryan looked immediately at Colten passing the answer to him.

"Well... I think that might be my favourite line" Colten smirked

"Really Mr. Perk why's that?"

"Well because it shows how deep and meaningful their friendship was. Rosie could never lie to him not because she didn't wanted to but because she couldn't...they were decipherable to each other, they could lie with their mouths but their eyes would betray them" Colten said smoothly

"He's amazing"

"Such a romantic "

The girls in the class started to congratulate Colten and his wonderful interpretation of the book.

"Very Well Mr.Perk" Alina looked at his proud face he noticed her intense gaze and he smirked at her

"I can't deny it he's hot" Gabe said to Alina "Even though he might be an ass sometimes he sure is hot and he is a bonus of being romantic is killing me that he isn't gay"

The bell rang and the students started to pack their things to leave the class

"He's just romantic because he reads dozens of poetry books" she said

"that makes him hotter" Gabe mentioned

"At this point I don't know what's hot and what isn't"

"Hot is like... Your brother in glasses" Gabe teased, they got out of class and walked to Alina's locker

"Well Colten wears glasses too" she mumbled

"He what?!" Gabe squealed

"Wears glasses"

"No fucking way! He's hot with them?! Oh my! I need to see it! Does he looks like a hot college student or more of a CEO of a big ass company?!"

"I don't know... He looks like Colten...with glasses"

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