Run Away

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(n.) an overwhelming urge to run away


Alina was sleeping peacefully in her fantastic pillow when a loud bang scared her from her beautiful sleep.

"Alina honey get down for lunch it's already midday" she heard her mother

"Okay" she said in her sleepy voice, she hugged her pillow once again and the contact of her skin on her not-that-much-of-a-pillow woke her up "You're still here"

"hm" he hummed moving slightly for another comfortable position, seeing he was paying no attention to her she slapped him in the chest

"Ow ow" he said while coughing "What was that for?"

"Wake up and get out of my room"

"Calm dow I put the alarm" he said moving to the side to sleep again

"Did you? It's midday!"

"What?" he said quickly getting his phone from the bedside table "Shit"

"what do we do?"

"I don't know"

"My mom,your mom, my dad and your dad are already down stairs !! They can't see you leaving my room"

"Oh no what if they go to mine?" He realized

"Your stupid idea"

"Mine?You said you missed even texted me before I got here!"

"It was like a good night goodnight, i miss you, see you tomorrow. Not come into my room because I miss you"

"It's almost the same thing"

"Yeah it's definitely similar" she commented ironically

"Oh don't be like that, you just had the best night of sleep ever and if it wasn't for me it wouldn't be just sleep right ? you feisty little girl " he teased

"Colten! I'm serious" Alina said getting up and opening the door carefully checking the hall

"Yeah I'm very aware of how serious you were last night"

"Shut up and go to your room" she said signaling him to get up and so he did, he got up and grabbed his phone, they examined the hall and she pushed him to go yet he didn't moved

"Not even a good morning kiss?" he raised an eyebrow, se rolled her but gave up giving him a sot kiss on his lips he smiled victoriously and when he was about to leave her room with a foot on the hall and other on her room they heard a small voice

"What are you doing?" They're faces went blank and their hearts stopped

"Did you slept with my sister?" Little Tobias asked next

"Hum-" Colten didn't know what to say, the two kids were looking at them two for explanation, but how do you explain this situation to a 6 year old kid

"No. What are you two doing here?" Alina asked

"What is he doing in your room?" Callie asked giggling before seeing the orders reactions, Colten grabbed her suddenly placing his hand over her mouth

"Shhh" Colten warned "Alina was afraid of the boogie man last night weren't you?"

"I was?"

"I'm afraid of him to" Callie said pouting "But Toby is not"

"Yeah I'm not"

"Neither am I" Colten said "That's why I came here to help your sister out"

"Ohh" the two kids said in understandment

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