Snowy Escape

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The first snow is like your first love. Do you remember your first snow?



The weak sun entered the room waking up Alina before the alarm, she turned it off and head it to the bathroom she took a quick shower and dressed in some snowy clothes.

She took the elevator and headed to the dining room of the hotel to eat breakfast she picked up her tray and wandered around to see the food. There was a lady serving people already that greeted Alina "Hello dear!"

"Hi good morning"

"You seem tired! You want some coffee?"

"No thanks I'm still looking"

"We have a lot of yogurts if you'd like"

"Oh thanks-"

"She doesn't like yogurts but she'll have a latte" A manly voice said behind her

"Good morning to you too" Alina said in her sleepy voice

"Morning" he said he took the warm milk and some cereal then a orange and also a pancake with a syringe of honey on top. Alina stood by the latte they sat down near a window to eat breakfast

"A peaceful breakfast with the person who hates my guts what a lovely way to start the day" Colten said looking outside, the view was amazing the white snow looked like a big soft cloud, the sky was blue with some clouds that covered the bright sun.

"Don't start it's 9 in the morning" Alina said

"You're just drinking latte?" He asked she only nodded

"I'm not hungry"

"You are going snowboarding you need food" he said putting the pancake on her tray

She looked at him but he didn't dare to take a look at her he was eating with his eyes on the beautiful view outside. She noticed the string of honey and thought that the pancake was taken in the first place for her yet she didn't asked, she stood silent and ate.

After their peaceful breakfast they went to get their equipment and got in the chairlift so they would be on top of the mountain.

The chairlift ride was about 15 minutes giving them time bought o talk although they weren't the most talkative persons right now.

"Last night I spoke with T" Colten brought up

"Good and?" Alina said looking at mountains covered in snow

"he is going to take a step and talk with her... thanks to me... thought you should know"

"Wow you're feeling proud about that aren't you?"

"Hum yes! If you haven't noticed they'll probably be a couple thanks to me"

"Oh congrats to you Cupid but I also helped because Sophia. She wants to talk with him because of me"

"I doubt it" he smiled and took his phone out

They got to the top of the mountain and got ready

"I'm actually speaking the truth" Alina said putting her glasses on. He smiled at her and discreetly took a photo of her with his phone.

"Hey!" She screamed at him.

"Do your job photo girl" he said smirking she rolled his eyes at him and grabbed his phone once the phone was in her hands he slide down the mountain and she followed him but slower than him

Although out loud they would hate to admit they were actually having a great time. They were having fun in the snow and sure a lot of pictures were taken.

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