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"What?" Aaron asked

"he is missing they want Anna's permission to tell the police so the search can start " Alina explained she took her coat out of the hanger and grabbed her phone

"Where are you going?" Martha asked

"Looking for him" she said, Martha woke up a bit drowsy she looked at her husband and started to cry

"oh our boy Thomas" Martha cried "He was so happy, doing sports, he was so great"

"I know honey" Thomas comforted her kneeled on the floor next to the bed

"Please go sis" Tobias said pouting

"Bring my brother" Callie joined

"Hey don't cry Callie I'm sure he couldn't live without seeing you" Alina informed "Brother, your car"

"No you're not driving my car alone" Aaron said

"Then come with me" Alina said leaving the door

"Yeah I don't want you ruining my baby" he said leaving behind her, he handed her the key and she drove away.

"Yeah I don't want you ruining my baby" he said leaving behind her, he handed her the key and she drove away

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She drove for a long time, Aaron was bored and almost sleeping. "Are you going to the end of the world?"

"Shut up I'm driving "Alina said

He smiled to himself "You're worried aren't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Please...it might have been weird for other people to see it but I know it"

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Colten"


"You wanna try to deceive me?" He asked chuckling "I known you since you were born and occasionally I known him too since he was born if you know what I mean"

"What are you trying to say"

"Colten has been like a brother to me. I have told him stuff he told me stuff. I was there in a lot of his hangovers and before that too" Aaron explained "Do you think in all that time a small word didn't escape his lips?"

"What ?"

"He didn't need to tell me, it was way easy to see it... especially you sis, you're jealously is out of this world not to talk when you almost passed out after seeing perfect Emma-" he said but her angry face made him stop "What I mean is that... I know you had a thing for each other"

"How did you-?" she asked confused "-wait! You're a literally first grader when it comes to things like these how can you possibly -"

"You fought all the time, he hated Jake from his toes to his hair-"

"From his hair to his toes" she corrected

"Whatever, you hated Emma... you fought a lot... it's an easy pattern "

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