The beach of secrets

18 0 0
                              's the perfect word

It was the final day of school, the day after prom, it would also be the graduation outside on the field. Everyone was there to watch the kids turning another page in their life.

It would be a great day if Alina hadn't drank so much last night, she barely remembers how she got into bed her memories are quite foggy and confusing

"Oh You're so big" Martha cried out hugging Alina "My daughter"

"Our daughter " Damien corrected hugging the two, Tobias started laughing at his parents who were crushing his sister with their huge hug he was on his dad's shoulders so he could see Alina's suffering face

"Hey Aunt, Uncle" Colten greeted them , they let Alina go and hugged Colten with a lot of strenght too

"I think you broke me a rib" Alina said scretching but was suddendly surprised by another hug

"Sis !" she heard the annoying voice of her brother "You're so grown up" he said faking a cry " I think I'm going to cry"

"Oh cut it" she rolled her eyes making him laugh

"Congrats dear" Anna said getting close of Aina she kissed her followed by Thomas


"Hi I'm sorry to interrupt but we need to steal them" Gabe voice was heard, Colten and Alina's parents nodded and the two were dragged to their friends

"What do you want?" Alina asked

"It's the final day of school... we are going to the beach as always"

"Oh right I had forgotten that" Colten said walking again to his parents warning them

"I don't know if I'm going" Alina said

"What? You lately have been bailing out on everything. You're going dude" Gabe demanded

"Then I need to tell them" she pointed to her parents as she watched them wave at her

"Already did " Colten said passing by her

Great... she thank

A few people had gone to the beach, it was some sort of tradition every year when the school was over they'd go to the beach. They arrived in time to see the sunset, happily the teens got out of the cars and ran to the beach.

"So drunk girl, how is your hungover?" Gabe questioned

"Awfully awful"

"Hungry?" Zoey asked

"Not at all...I think I ate something during the night but it's all very foggy to me "Alina answered back

"Well he took good care of you" Sophia said making the others nod in agreement, she looked at where they were looking at her sight dropped in Colten


"You don't recall?" Zoey laughed

"Should I say yes?"

"He took you home and left his girl alone, She was worried suck with him. People literally say they broke up because she was so pissed last night "

"That's not ok"

"You just broke the dream couple" Gabe commented

"It's ok dear" Sophia chuckled

"Do you want to play?" Maximo questioned once near them, they all agreed besides Alina, they got up and started to play volleyball while she quietly moved to the other way of the beach, a place hidden by the rocks . They were close she could hear them though they couldn't see her. She quietly sat down at the beach, she had a simple shirt and some pants, as she knew they would go to the beach she had dressed a swim wear under when they passed by her house to get her stuff for the beach.

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