His Day

21 1 0

You make my blood pressure uncontrollable



"So she went to other Family Sunday? this is insane" Gabe commented

"How does she do it?" Sophia asked "How did she made Colten a total puppy... Urgh I have so many questions"

"Truth is she is different and it's scary" Alina mumbled to herself. They were in Alina's room, they got together to study but they ended up by doing a skin care day.

"The other day I heard a girl in class say she went to a nursing home" Gabe said with some difficulties sue to the mask who was now dried

"Nursing home..that girl really said new year, new me" Sophia told them which they hummed agreering

"I'm not complaining though I think that's great... Being better and not so bitchy like she was it's...really good" Alina commeted making the other two give her a questionable look "What? I'm serious. It's great for her and for Colten... he's... different"

"The words are coming out of your mouth in a weird way" Sophia mentioned

"It looks like you're saying it but you're actually revolted by what you're saying" Gabe agreed

"Guys please... I'm not"

"Well" Gabe said standing up to wash his face in the bathroom "Like it or not you'll see her tonight "

"Yay me" Alina cheered ironacly

"see ... you're starting to like her " Sophia teased . They took their masks off and cleaned the room, some minutes later they were interrupted by a knock on the door

"Hey sis! Mom told me to get ready we leave in 30"

"Thanks Aaron"

"How was the date?" Gabe teased

"Swee ...just like her" Aaron respnded liking his lips

"I don't need all that information!" Alina reminded her brother

"Uh I need" Gabe said enthusiastic

"a gentleman never tells" Aaron winked teasing Gabe and leaving the three

"He is a tease" Sophia smirked

"And eatable" Gabe remarked

"Don't you have an almost boyfriend?"

"I don't even know what we are" Gabe said in a sad tone "He just takes me to school, drives me home and gives me chocolate cake to eat at lunch"

"I ='d call that boyfriends"

"You do understand he nevers talks?" Gabe questioned "He looks like he's muted or something. He does things without talking or asking...he's weird"

"Maybe he doesn't know how to start a conversation" Alina suggested

"Yeah...Have tried to talk with him?" Sophia asked

"Yes... but lately all I say is Thanks I don't have anything else to say"

"Invite him to prom" Alina roposed

"Yes!!! Thats a great idea" Sophia agreed

"I don't know" Gabe said sad, the girls embraced him

"Tried it out" Alina encouraged

"Yeah you won't lose anything by trying" Sophia motivated too, They gave a hug and said their final goodbyes, Alina quickly dressed herself and did her make up for the special dinner... Colten's Birthday Dinner, the whole family , 'yay' was Alina exact though.

Since I Know YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ