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She smiled at the letter tracing her finger on the tint of the letters and a tear escaped her eyes. She took a deep breath and read it.

To Alina,

      Alina, I'm sure you'll do a great job taking care of everything especially of him I have learned that just like me he is only a little boy inside a man's body he craves love and attention and he sure has a lot of emotions and a difficult temper, he feels and knows everything even if you think he doesn't he is always aware, it's easy to hurt him and easier to make him happy but I know you already know that. I'm proud and content with life don't think I ever left unhappy or that I wished death I lived till I could and my desire to continue here was all thanks to him, life gave me a borrowed son after my wife died, it gave me an opportunity to help, to live for me and not for her, to love in a different way.
I left happy, I know he will complain he will be mad at you because of me, he will turn the world on his back because I betrayed him, I didn't asked for help when I perfectly knew he could help, he will say dozens of things about me, he will blame me, he will blame you, he will put that weight on your shoulders and in the end he will blame himself but tell him that I leave happy with the life that I wanted, that I left with love not knowing it was possible, I left with a piece of him in me and I thank him every day.
I must thank you to for being a kind hearted, to give me a piece of my wife, to make me remember her more lightly even when I was older. I must thank you for being who you are.
When you're reading this everything may seem hopeless, and this will all sound crazy and unbelievable but I have more than faith on you, I am certain that you, Alina, will make it right, you have her strength, you may have more, you have millions of things and loved by him and I'm sure that love is what will make you pass through all of the things together, after all it was what made me pass through everything.
I'm sure when you read this I will be telling Doris how proud I am in my two kids. I'm sure when you're reading this I am happy.
   It's time for you two to be happy, now, that I know you're but grown and mature, I'm sure all that you now have will be taken care of.

Have a beautiful life, Alina, just like you inside and out.

Alina was crying miserably by the end of the letter. The tears were no longer tears but a small river that was falling in straights lines from her eyes to her jawline, the water fell into the letter making the black tint turn a shade of blue and the soft paper become see-through on the place the tears fell.

"Shit! SHIT" she heard Colten curse loudly, scared she rushed outside to find him kicking the water pipes "Why isn't it working? Why is everything in this house not WORKING?"

She saw him kneeling in the cold grass alone, as if he was about to pray but instead he shouted "WHY? WHY DIDN'T HE TOLD ME? Why is he such a rude old bastard? He could've told me he was sick I would take him to everywhere he wanted I would do the fucking chemo with him! I would do everything he would ask me too"

Alina slowly approached Colten who was still kneeled on the floor his head bent down. "I could've helped him! Why didn't he let me help him? WHY? You fucking bastard!I hate you! Can you hear me? I hate you!"

Alina approached him and kneeled next to him she grabbed his shoulder and caressed him

"I... could've help him" Colten murmured while his head fell to her chest, he silently cried and she kept on saying sweet nothing's to his hear and now and then he would give a big cry. Eventually they moved inside, he sat on the couch and she lit up the fire. She returned to be next to him and without any words his head rested on her legs, she covered him up with a blanket and there he cried out till he fell asleep.

*~*~* The next morning

Alina woke up in a warm blanket and a couch pillow she was laying on the sofa comfortably, she strangled remembering how she was last night. The one laying down on the sofa was Colten how did they switch? Why doesn't she remember at all?

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