Another Reunion

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This request comes from Elijah267 and I have to say- it was bit difficult to write cuz y'all KNOW how i feel about luxsoka. hope you still like it though!!

The moment he saw her, he froze like he had never frozen before.

Anakin Skywalker- the Hero Without Fear -could take down an entire battalion of battle droids, jump out of a moving ship, and take on a sith lord- all without batting an eye.

But this?

This left his mouth hanging open, dry with shock as he tried to put the pieces together.

"Ahsoka?" he asked carefully. It had been months since the name had slid off of his tongue- only days, however, since he'd last thought of her.

It had been years since he'd actually seen her.

"Anakin?" she replied gently, seeming almost as shocked as he was to meet up with her old master in a supermarket of all places. "Wha- what are you doing here?"

"Er- vacation with Padme and the kids," he answered with a nervous laugh. Ahsoka's eyes widened slightly at the word 'kids'.

"Well, congratulations is better late than never. What are their names?" she asked, scooting to the side to let another shopper by.

"Luke and Leia," he said with a gentle smile. "I always hoped that I'd run into you somehow to tell you about them- and to ask if you'd be godmother."

Her eyes widened a bit again as she broke out into a tiny smile before looking down at the ground and replying,

"I, uh, actually wanted to ask you the same thing about being the godfather... for my daughter."

The box Anakin was holding slid out of his grip, thudding on the floor as his eyebrows shot up on his forehead.

"Your what?" he exclaimed, a bit too loudly. Customers turned to stare at them and she stepped forward to place a hand over his mouth.

"Keep it down, you idiot," she giggled before stepping back. "And yeah...  I have a daughter."

"Snips, that's great!" he laughed, breaking the tension between them by stepping forward and hugging her tightly. "I'm so happy for you. Who's the father?"

"Um... it's, uh," she stammered as he pulled back. "It's actually Lux Bonteri."

"You married Lux Bonteri?!" His voice rose once again, drawing in stares from other shoppers. Ahsoka rolled her eyes at his outburst.

"Not exactly married. Sort of an on-and-off relationship," she explained, reaching into her pocket to retrieve a small piece of paper. "This is Starla," she said with a smile, handing the image to him.

His face broke into a grin.

"She's beautiful- just like you."

Ahsoka beamed, staring proudly down at the picture.

"I'm sorry," she began, "for totally ghosting you the past two years. I didn't realize how much I would still need you in my life."

"All is forgiven," Anakin promised with a warm smile as he handed the image back to its owner. "Call me anytime you like- I can tell we've got a lot to catch up on."

Ahsoka hugged him again, and he stumbled backwards a bit before returning the gesture.

"Thank you... for everything."

i haven't watched tfatws yet but i'm going to tonight AND IM SO HYPED

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