Someone To Talk To

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Ahsoka's breath hitched as her master entered their quarters.

He knows.

She attempted to relax her face, keeping her eyes glued to her homework.

He knows.

She was unable to bring herself to even acknowledge his presence. She needed to remain casual.

He knows. The thought refused to stop resounding in her pounding head. Mental shields, she reminded herself, concentrating on blocking out her thoughts. Drop your shoulders, unclench your jaw... just be cool and he'll think everything's cool. Just relax.

To her relief, Anakin walked right past her, and into his own room. She released a sigh of relief, and continued to scribble out answers on her homework, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Hey, Snips?" he called. A shiver went through her body as her fear heightened.


"Y-yeah, Master?" she asked, bouncing her leg up and down.

"Could you c'mere for a second?"

She shakily stood up, wiping her sweaty palms on her robes as she entered her master's bedroom.

"What's up?" she could feel the heat radiating off of her obviously darkened lekku. Relax and he won't think anything's up, she continued.

"Um, just sit down," he said, awkwardly patting the open spot on his bed next to where he was sitting.

Oh Force, he definitely knows.

Ahsoka took her seat, her lekku and face both burning as she stared at the floor, suddenly becoming very interested in the maroon carpet fibers.

"Okay," Anakin continued, clasping his gloved hands together. "So, judging by your current body language, I'm guessing that you know what this is about. And... the answer is yes. I'm aware of your whole... situation with Steela Gerrera and the Bonteri boy."

Ahsoka squeezed her eyes shut.

Please tell me this isn't happening.

Her mouth dried, and her head hung lower. Her fingers began twisting themselves into knots, much like her stomach had the second that he had called her in there.

Anakin cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed, but not quite as much as his Padawan.

"... And I just wanted to tell you that... I would never even dream of telling the council if things had worked out between the two of you... and also that- look at me, Snips."

"No," Ahsoka shook her head. Anakin reached to the side and placed his mechanical hand on her cheek, gently turning her face towards him.

"I want you to know that you'll always have someone to talk to about this type of thing. I know with all the stupid rules from the council about attachments and emotions you can start to feel like you're just... you're just..."

"Drowning in yourself?" Ahsoka suggested. Anakin nodded enthusiastically.

"Couldn't've said it better myself." He lowered his hand to her shoulder. "And I don't wanna sound too overprotective and-"

"Big brother-ish," Ahsoka filled in, her initial embarrassment beginning to fade.

"-and big brother-ish," Anakin added with a laugh, "but... he was no good for you. You deserve someone so much better. Someone who's gonna make you happy."

"Like you and Padme?" she asked, smiling. Anakin closed his eyes, nodding.

"Yes, just like that. Now, I'm not so good at comforting people, but I just want you to know that I'm always going to be here for you, okay?"

"Thank you." And with that, Ahsoka hugged her brother, taking him by surprise, though, he gladly returned the gesture.

As he rocked her back and forth, she closed her eyes, not realizing how much she had needed this after the last few days. She found herself repeating her words again.

"Thank you."

Mainly writing this to comfort myself cuz im in a bit of a lux/ahsoka/steela situation rn... in which i am ahsoka :/

however, my steela is actually a rly nice person who i dont wanna be mad at cuz it's one of my best friends... ugh it's annoying haha

when im upset i often find myself thinkin "what would ahsoka do?" or some other character im inspired by.

anyways, have a great day and leave ideas if ya want!

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